SaaS Marketing Metrics that Matter

It’s easy to get carried away by fancy marketing dashboards
What matters is FOCUS on a few metrics, that matter

Let’s put a method to metrics madness 🤓

1: Target v/s Actual — Growth Metric
The most important metric is
Actual Number of Opportunities (v/s Target)

An opportunity: right ICP and persona with ideal budget and timeline

SAL (Sales Accepted Lead) is another name for Opportunity

The objective of marketing is to drive “tangible” demand (Opportunities)

2: Brand Metrics
One metric to measure brand impact is # of SALs through direct traffic

Share of mind
is a complicated, academic brand metric

You can still track it by a third party survey by asking this one question
What are the top 3 products you remember when it comes to the X industry

3: Funnel Metrics
Track the conversion rate across each stage of this funnel
Signups → MQL → SAL/Opportunity → Customers

Here are some benchmarks
MQL -> SAL is 40%
SAL -> Customer is 25%

4: Cost Metrics

Cost Per Opportunity/SAL = Total program spend / # of opportunities

Cost Per $100K Pipeline
How much does it cost you to generate $100K worth of pipeline?

You can find the cost per opportunity/SAL for each channel
It will help you tweak the channel mix and spend

5: The holy grail SaaS metric
The most important SaaS business metric is LTV / CAC

LTV (Life Time Value) → Average customers spend in a lifetime

CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)
Total Net New customers / Total Sales and Marketing spend

The benchmark for LTV/CAC is 3

FOCUS is underrated
Its time to FOCUS on a few metrics that matter 🔍



Ashwin Krishna
Growton — Growth Partner for SaaS

Founder of Growton. We help SaaS companies reliably grow ARR with Marketing Planning, Account-Based Marketing, Performance Marketing, and Brand Marketing.