Ashwin Krishna
Growton — Growth Partner for SaaS
2 min readMay 24, 2022


Winning is easy. Losing is hard. What can you learn from lost deals

Every lost deal teaches hell a lot for marketers and sales folks

The key is to do a quarterly loss analysis and learn.

Here are my learnings👇

The loss analysis is nothing but
a structured way to look at
the reasons for losing deals

The reasons can be
Wrong ICP / segment
Use cases not ready
Didn’t engage the decision-maker / wrong mapping
No value creation done

If the team is open to sharing the genuine feedback
Loss analysis can teach you many lessons

1: Wrong ICP / segment
If there is a big % of the deals in this bucket
change the GTM motion

2: Use cases not ready
Greater the demand for a specific use case
compelling the reason to build it
Ask product teams to consider the feedback. Seriously.

3: Pricing
#1 reason every rep gives.
But that’s not true
If you create value and build trust
you can charge a premium

4. Competition
Dig deep
Ask your customer
Whom did you go with
What made you choose them v/s us
The answers will give you the best learning

5. Didn’t engage the decision-maker / wrong mapping
A simple mistake most reps do
is not mapping the buying committee
Ensure you have the full committee mapped
Buyer, influencer, users.
For every single deal.

6. No value creation is done
rep, sales engineers should be open about choosing this option

An honest lost deal analysis
every month can
change the name of the game

Do the loss analysis starting this month
You will feel liberated



Ashwin Krishna
Growton — Growth Partner for SaaS

Founder of Growton. We help SaaS companies reliably grow ARR with Marketing Planning, Account-Based Marketing, Performance Marketing, and Brand Marketing.