A Day in the Life of a Growup Graphic Designer

Growup Group
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2024
  1. How do you briefly describe your past work experience?

My work experience with growup has been very influential and eventful. Every day is a new task and every day I get to learn something new.

2. What does your typical workday look like?

My typical workday would be checking in on what to do for the day's work, researching, designing, finalizing, and finishing multiple creatives, videos, posts, logos, cover photos, etc.

3. What is of the utmost priority for you, while creating a design?

Good Design. Good Design. Good Design. No matter what the task is, I strive to make the best design out of all and pull ideas out of my head that will make the design even better.

Leonardo working from his home office setup

4. What kind of design projects interest you?

Mostly statistics and branding projects. I like to do social media posting because I have expertise in this field

5. What are the new skill sets acquired as a Growup graphic designer?

As for new skill sets, I would like to say that I have learned to work to a timeline and not be too laid back while working from home. I would also like to say that I have acquired some new skills in the field of AI tools that were given to me by the Growup group

6. What is the latest design campaign that you’ve been a part of and what do you like?

The latest design campaign would be the campaign for Tales.Media I did the entire branding right from Logo to Case Studies. I like working with our Founder, Saumya and I like that I get to be part of the creation of something new.

7. What kind of design projects do you love to work on?

Anything, Social media posts, Videos, Logos, Photos, etc.

8. What are your favourite sources of design inspiration?

This would greatly lay in the hands of Instagram Designers and LinkedIn Designers that I follow

9. What prospects are you looking forward to in your career?

A good job with a good company would give me a huge boost in my career.

Answers provided by: Leonardo Neil D’Gama for The Growup Group

