A day in the life of a Growup Virtual Assistant

Growup Group
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2022
  1. How do you briefly describe your past work experience?
    I have enjoyed working in various roles both administrative and technical with a multinational workforce in the Middle East where in we worked as a team for the success of the organization as a whole. The team always encouraged and supported each other in bringing out the best result. People from all regions under one roof worked with an unbiased attitude. Learning and mentoring our peers to take over the roles we excelled in thus making the transition smooth.
  2. What made you switch from that job to being VA at Growup? How did you cope with the transition?
    Coming back to India, with unpredictable weather variations, congested traffic, etc made physical jobs a challenge so opted for online virtual jobs. Initially, the transition was overwhelming with the different mediums used to ensure productivity, not having a physical presence of a co-worker, trying to complete tasks within the stipulated monitored time, etc but with time and support, I have coped with this new style of work.
Mini working from her home-office setup

3. How has your journey as a VA been so far?
I am enjoying my work as a VA — which is adding value to an organization in another location and assisting them productively. So far so good and hope it gets better with time.

4. What does your typical workday look like?
I have chosen a half VA position so I try to accommodate my time within the 9 am — 6:30 pm slot though I have specifically requested to extend that to 9 pm to cater to my home needs. Having been deployed with one client my time management is working out really well now and hope it works out well when I start my second deployment also.

5. What are the new skill sets acquired as a VA? What is the learning curve in virtual work?
Firstly the awkwardness of being on live video is fading. Additionally, Growup has pushed me beyond my comfort zone to explore tasks that I would have hesitated. Business Development was not something that I would opt for but remotely doing the same has been an enjoyable experience. Also, the skill of completing a task within the time stipulated time and productively has improved. Virtual work was and is a novelty but Growup has assisted me well in merging with it.

6. What is one thing about what you do that makes you excited to get up tomorrow and do it again?
When the work environment is amicable and respectful then work becomes interesting. Additionally, when you know your peers are supporting you when you need assistance and you are being productive makes you accelerate to achieve more.

7. How has your family supported and adapted to your work?
My family has been supportive but still adapting to my new style of work. Trying to balance work and home is a woman's lifelong struggle.

8. What prospects are you looking forward to in your career?
It is too early to predict but I hope to do less nerve-crunching work and to drive a team, in the long run, to bring out their productivity.

9. What else do you want someone to know about working virtually?
Working virtually gives me the comfort of knowing of being with family always and still working. Also to travel with them when required and still being available on call is the icing on the cake.

Answers provided by: VA Mini Thomas for The Growup Group

