A day in the life of a Growup Virtual Assistant

Growup Group
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2022
  1. How do you briefly describe your past work experience?

I have 8 years of experience in security system design and project management. I have worked with some of the leading Security System companies where I used to design and prepare System layouts & System Architecture drawings and documentation like datasheets, BOQs and QAPs. Apart from this, I used to do project coordination ensuring that all the project deadlines were met and projects get completed smoothly and on time.

2. What made you switch from that job to being VA at Growup? How did you cope with the transition?

I am glad to join as VA at Growup. The main reason is that I wanted a Work-Life Balance. Growup has given me the opportunity and flexibility to work from anywhere and at anytime between 9 am to 9 pm. This gives me the liberty to work at my convenience. Working from home has given me a platform where I can continue my career and also spend a good amount of time with my family.

Jyotibala working from her home-office setup

3. How has your journey as a VA been so far?

The journey has been amazing in terms of learning and acquiring new skill sets for me. In the initial days before deployment, all VAs undergo training on various phases to prepare for the 360-degree profile. This allows us to learn many new tools and techniques and thus enables us to upgrade our skill sets.

4. What does your typical workday look like?

I usually log in by 9.30 am and wish good morning in both the internal and client’s communication channel. After that, I start working as per the task assigned by my reporting manager.

5. What are the new skill sets acquired as a VA? What is the learning curve in virtual work?

I am deployed for 4 hours per day, working in the sales team. My past work experience is in the field of projects and design. So working with the sales team has been a learning for me, whether it’s finding new leads, communicating with them, or understanding their product requirements.

6. What is one thing about what you do that makes you excited to get up tomorrow and do it again?

Firstly, I am excited about working from home and the flexibility it provides. Secondly, the excitement of finding new leads and their conversions and being a part of the new business and its growth.

7. How has your family supported and adapted to your work?

My family has been very supportive. They understand that I always wanted to continue my career and also at the same time take care of my family. By joining as a VA, I can work from anywhere at my convenience and spend quality time with my family.

8. What prospects are you looking forward to in your career?

To research, learn, and explore new things and terms about sales and business development.

9. What else do you want someone to know about working virtually?

Working virtually is equally effective and productive as working from the office with the added advantage of being at home with your family rather than spending time commuting and getting stuck in traffic.

Answers provided by: VA Jyotibala N for The Growup Group

