A Day in the Life of a Growup Virtual Assistant Trainer

Growup Group
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2023
  1. How do you briefly describe your past work experience?

I have worked in different domains in my last 14 years. From being a technical support executive to an account to my last profile of being an assistant professor. The journey was very good, learned a lot over the years.

2. What made you switch from that job to being VA at Growup? How did you cope with the transition?

I have always liked to work on computers and also teach. Though my last profile helped me to fulfill one of those aspects I still felt an inkling to do more. Joining Growup gave me the platform for both of my choices. It was an easy transition for me and I love every moment of my work here.

Shubha working from her home office setup

3. How has your journey as a VA been so far?

It's been a wonderful journey. Being a VA not only gives me the option to bring possible solutions to my client's problems it also provides new opportunities every day. Making you wonder what new things you would learn today.

4. What does your typical workday look like?

I start my day with a hot cup of coffee by my side and a cheerful Good Morning message to all my colleagues on our channel. I then wish my client Good Morning. I make sure to note the task that I need to complete during the day and follow them.

5. What are the new skill sets acquired as a VA? What is the learning curve in virtual work?

I have learned a lot of new tools, but my favorite is Canva the Creative Tool. I never knew I had this streak of creative genes in me who like to make posts. I learned a lot about video editing. Overall, the learning curve for virtual work can be challenging, but with time and practice, individuals can develop the skills and strategies needed to succeed in a virtual work environment.

6. What is one thing about what you do that makes you excited to get up tomorrow and do it again?

The most promising thing about virtual work is that you will be performing multiple roles at the same time. Being a virtual assistant I have responsibilities that go from creating a post to working on developing content it's always something new to work on every day. I love this challenge.

7. How has your family supported and adapted to your work?

My family is my strength. They have always given me a quiet space to work from and made sure they support my working hours. During meetings, they made sure not to bring any kind of background disturbance and gave me the much-needed privacy to work with.

8. What prospects are you looking forward to in your career?

I would like to improve my knowledge, skills, and experience as a virtual assistant and would also like to grow up the ladder as an in-house trainer by seeking career advancement opportunities

9. What else do you want someone to know about working virtually?

Discipline, self-motivation, and effective communication abilities are needed when working virtually. Establishing boundaries between work and personal life and developing a schedule that allows for maximum productivity are both crucial. Additionally, virtual work frequently calls for the use of technology and digital tools, so it’s critical to keep up with the most recent developments and be at ease navigating a variety of platforms. Building and maintaining relationships with coworkers and clients is also essential in a virtual work environment, and this can be done by checking in frequently, communicating clearly and promptly, and actively participating in virtual meetings and events.

Answers provided by: VA Shubha Menon for The Growup Group

