NFT Liquidity Mining Video Tutorial

John Fields
Published in
Oct 22, 2020

This article is a follow-up to yesterday’s post on how to participate in the ONEz Liquidity Mining Program. The original announcement is here.

A step-by-step video on how to provide liquidity mining to The Nifty ONEz art bundle.

This is where you start and this is the contract address that you’ll need: 0x12419eea0b053ffea92f9afcd7986a495e2cf0dd

Please note: in the video at the 3:20 mark, waiting for approval is from Metamask.

We explained in a previous article how and why you may want to become a liquidity provider as well as a couple of important caveats you must be aware of. It’s Important to not only understand how the process works but potential risks involved. Click here for a refresher.

Please join our Discord Channel to answer all your questions and keep an eye out on our Twitter where we will release a video explainer this week.

About GrowYourBase (GYB) Our mission is to make NFTs easily accessible to All. GYB is the best place to earn, learn about and build an NFT portfolio. Previous knowledge and digital wallet experience are unnecessary to start building your NFT portfolio.

GYB continues to pioneer the NFT space with our GYB Creators Residency Program, the GYB Nifty Society Membership Program and the GYB NFTz Bundles.

This information is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific investment product. It is only intended to provide NFT education.

