My NFT Research Toolkit: Validating NFT Projects for Investment Opportunities.

Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2020

Edit: 20/12/20 new links worth a look. NftBank & Zerion are more along the line of NFT porfolio management to help you keep track of your assets.

Shout out to all NFT fiends around the world!

I’ve had a couple of people recently reach out via discord hungry for NFTs but unsure where or how to start. So I figured I’d share a breakdown of my tool kit and what platforms I use when researching and validating potential NFT investments.

I’m trying to avoid the tltr mindset so I’ll keep this kinda short and sweet; that being said if there’s a strong appetite for more, I’ll bake up pub.

NFT News and Articles : Only place you can 'Earn to Learn' (there's a lot more on offer so I'd recommend starting here) : Blockchain based DApp & NFT news

Analysis Tools : My OG DApp related metrics resource with active users being the most valuable imo. They’ve also released a super cool hub that connects to your wallet providing you with a historical breakdown of you DApp activity and spend; super cool, super handy and super cool ;) : Like DappRadar but all about marketplace sales. If you’re all about live and historical sales data this is your site. All about dem dollar signs! : OpenSea is like the ebay of NFTs; A marketplace that lets you buy/sell NFTs and a good place to see whats hot. Their rankings section provides you with a snapshot of who’s moving the most eth/$$ and a great way to quickly validate if a project is still going strong or if its loosing hype. ; Pure social media gold. In a day and age where SM dictates almost everything this is a vital tool when you need to have your finger on the pulse. Understand how many people are talking about the project and what they’re saying about it. More hype = more $$... simple.

Etherscan Don’t Lie: Watch The Whales! : If you don’t know what Etherscan is, go to jail and don’t collect $200... but seriously this tool can tell what’s happening and when. I’ll give you a tip, use the above analytic tools to accumulate lists of eth address that relate to the highest sales on the project your researching. These addresses will most likely linked to whales. Watch The Whales and follow the path they’ve carved. I’ll say it again because this is a big one 'Watch The Whales'

Still a little confused?
If it’s all a bit much and you’re feeling a little stressed or a bit lost, don’t worry. My friends at Grow Your Base have you covered. They also specialise in an NFT subscription service that tailors a portfolio depending on you’re interests. Simply pay a monthly/annual fee and sit back as your portfolio grows! If you’re all out of spare cash, join the community for free and I’ll catch you in their discord.

