The GYB x Indes Axie Team!

Published in
6 min readDec 20, 2020

Hi to all the Grow Your Base (GYB) members and Axie Infinity lovers out there!

As some of you may be aware, I’m super bullish on Axie Infinity. Their monthly transactions are continually increasing, they have an exponentially growing user base, and the community is fire!
They also recently won blockchain game of the year and I truly believe this is just the beginning for them.

Within the game there are many ways you can play to earn.

  1. You can build a team and battle others to farm Small Love Potion (SLP); SLP can be used to breed Axies or simply traded on Uniswap (SLP=$0.02726493 at time of writing).
  2. You can build a breeding farm getting deep in the world of Axie genetics; selling the babies for profits on the marketplace.
  3. You can purchase rare assets like mystic Axies, mystic items and genesis land; with some items selling in excess of 300 Eth.
  4. Coming next year, staking rewards for AXS holders! AXS is the official Axie Infinity Token, a governance token with in game utility; If you wanna get deep into the tokenomics check out their whitepaper.

So you’re probably thinking it sounds pretty cool but where do I start?

GYB has got you covered! We’ve been working on a collaboration with Indes from Axie.GG to build the GYB x Indes Axie Team. An Axie team is made up of 3 individual Axies that work together to battle other players within the Battle Arena. We plan to share access to our team with GYB members, giving them the opportunity to try out the game before diving in head first!

Now not only can you learn to earn with GYB but now members will have a chance to play to earn with GYB & Axie Infinity! Further details on how we plan to share the account will be communicated in the GYB Discord channel. Jump in, say hi and join an energised and supportive community that help each other navigate the ever-growing NFT industry.

Who is Indes?

In my opinion he’s a bit of an Axie battle meta god! His analysis of the games battle mechanics are insane and battle strategies are on a whole other level. Although only being quite new to the game (starting in April), he’s already making huge waves within the Axie community and tournament scene. Starting from humble beginnings he reached out to who was kind enough to let him use his account to play some games. From there history was made and in a short time he has finished in the top 10 in all but 1 season, while finishing 1st in the last 3 tournaments held by As Axies eSports potential grows, he’s leveraging his knowledge and quickly becoming the best in battle!

Not only did Indes hand pick the GYB x Indes Axie Team, he also decided to keep it within a $200.00 budget. This was so people new to the game can replicate its team composition and card synergy without breaking the bank. I personally tested the team out with a 100% win rate out of 15 games!

The team composition is referred to as a Double Aqua Team. Indes has been kind enough to provide a little break down, so in his own words!

What is a double aqua team you ask?

Double aqua is one of the easier archetypes to pick up, though still retains competitive viability & has a high skill ceiling. It revolves around passive play which leads to 1 turn blitzes of each of the opponents Axies, due to the HP and Speed of aquas they make for ideal bruiser midlines that can take a hit whilst still acting first in the following round. Double aqua also counters the most popular set up in the lower ranks — Beast/Bird, popular as it’s even easier to pick up, readily available, and most importantly cheap.

Why were these Axies selected?

Firstly, the tank. This is the ideal build for a double aqua set up as it has the highest damage horn & shield plant parts (cactus/hot butt) which offer early game damage and a way to outplay watering cans (direct hard counter to aquas, opponent gains an energy when hit with an aqua part). In combination with the strongest back & mouth moves, in pumpkin/serious. Offering rounded shield and potential for early game energy control, which allows you to save up for your blitzes whilst also remaining relevant and offering some sort of threat to your opponent.

Secondly, the midliner. Risky fish/goldfish offer high damage, with bablyonia playing the role of a midline hold up move that has the potential to deal solid damage. Paired with a nimo to set up with energy for mid-late energy.

Finally the backliner, 4 high damage moves with a lam to offer more mid-late game value & balance the risky fish mouth (that offers damage onto tanks) on the midliner. Koi is used to ensure a speed advantage vs birds. Blue moon/clamshell offer solid damage/rounded shield, clamshell furthers the advantage vs beasts/bugs.

How do you play 2x aqua?

2x aqua is a slow, control oriented team that utilizes bursts of offense to catch the opponent off guard. The early game should be spent gaining value out of your tank, chipping away with damage or stealing energy. Once you’ve outwaited the opponent’s tank cards and are able to ensure a tank kill, you should attack. Aim to use the risky fish on the midliner, and save the babylonia for mid game brickwall. Once you reach the mid game, nimo’s can be used to keep your energy ticking over and allow you to continue attacking.

What Comes Next & How Do I Get Involved?

By now you’re probably dying to apply the above knowledge in the battle arena! So stay tuned for further updates which will be shared via the GYB Discord channel.

In the meantime visit Axie World and check out their guides section for a full breakdown of everything Axie Infinity; imho it’s the best place to get started.
If you’d like to hear more from Indes you can follow him on twitter @Indes_Axiegg for tips every other day, and @Axiegg for all announcements of upcoming tournaments.
I’d also recommend jumping into the Axie Infinity Discord for the latest announcements and project updates.

Now are you ready to meet the team?!

We will be running a community event in the GYB Discord to name each of these Axies. Keep an eye out and get involved if you’re keen on wining some fresh NFTs!

The above images come from Axie Zone, a great research tool when looking for new Axies; they even have a breeding simulator for those keen on making some Axies.

Before we finish this article…

I’d like to give a special shoutout to Grow Your Base for creating this opportunity and always supporting their members with cool projects like this. I also want to thank Indes for the time and knowledge he has been kind enough to share; your journey is only beginning and I have no doubt you’ll continue to smash your opponents in the Battle Arena!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I appreciate your love and support!

