Computer Programs and Human Diagnosis

Zach K
GRTech Student Blog
1 min readMay 9, 2019

Can an algorithm diagnose better than a doctor? Yes I think it can. Computers can hold a lot more memory then a human can. A doctor can’t possibly know every single disease, symptoms, or diagnostics, but if you put all this information in a computer, you have something that knows everything. If you create an algorithm that cross platforms a patience records with the information the computer has, you can get results instantly and accurately.

Is deep learning in health care ethical? Yes I do think that deep learning is ethical. Without deep learning, I don’t think we would get far in breakthroughs and cures. Medical images, like photographs, x-rays, and MRIs, are a nearly perfect match for the strengths of deep-learning software which led into many breakthroughs.

What ethical issues are there about use of patient data? I think that the biggest issue there is about use of patient data is that insurance companies will use it to their advantage. The more you visit the doctors, the more money you have to spend and insurance companies don’t want to waste their money so they will raise your rate if you are someone that visits the doctors often.

