Julian Assange: Hero

Brett Y
1 min readMay 22, 2019


Given the Defense Department’s statement that there was no significant damage to the US strategically, was it ethical for Assange to publish the Manning documents? The parties involved are the civilians killed, the US soldiers, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange. Let us consider, under the Virtue Approach, which action leads our government to act like the kind of government we want it to be? We want our government to be a bringer of good, not evil. In order to get there, we need to know when our government does evil things so that we can make changes when necessary. For that reason, it was ethical for Assange to publish the Manning documents. It would also have been ethical if he was involved the the acquisition of those files.

Was it ethical for Ecuador to shelter Julian Assange for the past 7 years? Let us consider under the Common Good Approach, which action serves the community as a whole, not just some members? The action that best serves the community would be to shelter Julian Assange. The reason for this is he reveals information that the public should know. And, he exposes wrongdoers in power. These things serve the community as a whole.

