
Rob Gittleson
Gruffy’s New Life
3 min readSep 9, 2014


Is there anything better than football?

I love football. Now, I’m not sure what exactly is happening on that TV or really what football is (as I’ve said before I’m not a dog who plays with a ball or fetches). That doesn't mean I don’t love football I just love it for different reasons.

One thing my brother and I have noticed about football is that everyone is always eating. We have talked about how big both the people who are playing it and watching it seem to be.

Personally all this eating is the main reason I love football. It isn’t everyday that people around me are munching on wings or dropping carrots with yummy hummus on the ground for me. There was even this amazing creation where cheesy Doritos were sprinkled with more cheese. It was probably the best football game ever.

Now my brother also seems to love football. Whenever it is on he always seems to be yelling and cheering. I’m not sure he even knows who he is cheering for but he does seem to do a lot of yelling at the TV. I think he may be missinPlus he is the only person I know who will literally cry when he is hungry so I know he loves the eating part of football.

Jack watching his first preseason football game.

Dressing also appears to be an interesting topic when it comes to football. Both my brother and I both have these white jerseys that match. Considering these are supposed to be big tough guys it is funny that all have matching outfits. I don’t think I have ever seen my dad wear matching clothes but these guys match perfectly. They even have different color uniforms if they are on vacation and playing at the other teams house.

Now the only issue we have is that my parents don’t seem to root for a winning team. My brother and I both watched the Skins game with him this weekend and neither of us could even stay up until the end it was so bad! Unfortunately dad told us both we were not allowed to switch teams (how is this not allowed). From now on, when dad isn't home, I am only going to cheer for teams with dog mascots (I mean has anyone seen that cute Georgia Bulldog?).

Football players need to match all the way down to their socks!

