Nowhere Is Safe!

Rob Gittleson
Gruffy’s New Life
2 min readFeb 8, 2015


Why won’t this kid leave me alone.

To think, I thought it was bad before. I remember sitting on my chair listening to this kid scream at the top of his lungs and get all the attention. They would come feed him seemingly every time he made a noise (maybe I need to start barking more and see if I get fed more). As I sat there watching him I thought to myself, “It can’t get any worse than this.” Well this puggle has never been more wrong about anything.

Now that this kid is on the move he has taken things to a whole new level. I have spent my whole life trying to get food, not being the food. The term dog food is meant to describe my food, not the dog being the food. I am NOT dog food! While I’m sure I look delicious and that my collar also looks tasty I would really prefer to be left alone. This kid has more toys than I can count and yet I am the only one he wants to play with?

Last week, through some experimentation, I learned the top of the stairs were safe. This week little rascal learned to climb those. Two weeks ago all I had to was climb on to my chair or couch. Now he can get to both of those options. Even my crate isn’t safe anymore. He knows how to open the door and get me!

Fortunately I found out he can’t get me if I’m outside unfortunately it is cold out there and puggles do not do cold weather. I’m faced with 2 options now. Outside or getting held and munched on by an 8 month old baby.

My brother is even starting to learn how to talk. He is close to saying words and I fear his favorite word is going to be Gruffy. My only hope is that he is starting to eat food so maybe he will start dropping the food. If he starts dropping the food I will let him hang or munch on me all day long!

