4 Simple Habits That Increase Productivity

GS National
GS National Insurance
3 min readFeb 10, 2022

Adjustments That Help Insurance Agents Get More From Each Workday

Are Distractions Interfering With Your Productivity?

We live in a world of distractions. Most likely, your workplace is no exception. From unexpected phone calls to notifications of LinkedIn messages, today’s insurance agents are bombarded with interruptions and unforeseen tasks. At GS National Insurance, we understand the challenges of the industry and your drive to be more productive during working hours. By making these small changes to your day-to-day routine, you can be increasingly more productive over time…and reduce stress in the process!

1) Don’t Multitask. There was a time when being able to multitask was heralded as a virtue. Today, however, we understand that when insurance agents partially work on multiple tasks at once, overall productivity actually suffers. Instead, stick to one task and complete it in its entirety before moving on to the next. By saving time from bouncing back and forth between tasks, you’ll likely be able to complete each task faster. While it can be tempting to juggle a few small tasks at once, get into the routine of taking them one at a time instead.

2) Apply the Two-Minute Rule. Throughout your day, proactively seek out small tasks that will take about two minutes to complete. As soon as you have them identified, get them off your to-do list right away. Rather than letting these smaller tasks stack up, take them head-on. Not only will you feel more accomplished throughout the day, you’ll also be protecting yourself from having to face a pile of tasks that are waiting for your attention. When these smaller tasks sit for too long, they build upon one another; and suddenly two-minute tasks now need two hours…or more.

3) Take Breaks and Move. While insurance agents are often traveling between meetings, there is still a lot of desk time required for paperwork and marketing projects. Set reminders on your phone or fitness device to alert you when it’s time to take a break and move about. Or, take stock of your focus level. When you begin to find yourself at a point when you can’t fully focus, take a five-minute break. Often, that’s all that is needed to reset your ability to concentrate, clear your head, and increase your creativity and motivation.

4) Remove Tempting Time Wasters. As much as possible, keep your phone out of sight. You’ll still have it nearby to take a client call or review text messages when needed, but you’ll be less tempted to allow the phone to become an all-day, ongoing distraction. Also, be sure to turn off notifications that you don’t need. The apps on your phone and browser extensions on your laptop can inundate you with popup notifications throughout the workday. Adjust your settings to limit these notifications to only those that are truly essential. If needed, you can always readjust your settings when your day allows you more flexibility. The goal is to be able to incorporate your phone and other tools in productive ways without allowing them to take over the day.

Remember, creating habits take time. Don’t be too hard on yourself as you work to adjust how you approach each task and workday. Allow small changes, over time, to create big, long-lasting results.

For tools and resources that have been specifically developed to increase productivity for insurance agents and agencies, get to know us at GSNI. Visit us at gsnational.com.


· https://www.forbes.com/sites/ashleystahl/2018/06/28/5-ways-to-increase-your-productivity-at-work/?sh=4ceffaae2138

GS National Insurance is an independently owned insurance marketing organization. We specialize in helping independent advisors increase their Health, Life, and Annuity Business. Our primary focus is the senior health insurance marketplace. We combine technology and experience to deliver high-quality service and support. Learn more at gsnational.com



GS National
GS National Insurance

An independently owned insurance marketing organization specializing in helping independent advisors increase their health, life and annuity business.