Get Your Goals

GS National
GS National Insurance
4 min readJan 12, 2022

How Insurance Agents Can Set (And Reach) Brand New Goals In 2022

Helping Insurance Agents and Agency Set Goals and Plan for 2022

A new year means new goals. While the last two years have been challenging for the insurance industry, 2022 is ushering in fresh opportunities to set, reach, and even exceed your goals for the year. At GS National Insurance, we’re looking ahead to share ideas that you can incorporate into your 2022 plan.

Here are 5 ways to help grow your business in 2022:

1. Be clear. Goals, like resolutions, can often be lofty or vague. Avoid the trap of setting ambiguous or unrealistic goals for the new year…but don’t be afraid to think big. Consider your dreams; and then consider your goals. Keep the two separate, but in tandem with one another. Dream as big as you can — then build out realistic, measurable, time-bound goals that support your dreams. While your dreams can be hazy and adventurous, your goals should be clear and well-defined.

2. Be creative. This is the year to think about fresh leads and new ways to connect with those leads. As an insurance agent, you already understand the importance of maintaining your pipeline with new leads, but you may be overlooking ways to generate those leads. This year, look to your website as a way to bring in new prospective clients. Use lead generating/lead magnet content such as eBooks and “Ultimate Guides” as a way to bring in new users to your website. Google shows that lengthy blog articles titled and promoted as an “Ultimate Guide” garner top results within a Google Search. Think about how you can craft a lengthy blog article, eBook, or other document that provides real-world, valuable information for your targeted demographic. If you’re focused on the senior healthcare market, creating an “Ultimate Guide to Home Care” as a lead magnet on your website could be very effective. Why? Google is showing that “Home Care” is a trending query for seniors. This popular topic among mature Americans can act as inspiration for the types of content you can make available on your website in the form of a digital download, in exchange for a user’s contact information.

Another creative approach is to build out landing pages for your website. Unlike the homepage, landing pages are sparse on navigation and overall content in order to provide a concentrated marketing message. Your landing page can provide specific content after a user has provided their contact details, helping you to build an updated database of contacts.

3. Be Digitally Minded. In 2022, digital ads are stronger marketing vehicles than ever before. Be sure to build a solid customer profile that identifies the core needs of your ideal client. From there, set your digital advertising — social media and display ads — to target the audiences that best match your client profile.

4. Be Client Focused. In today’s age of competition and always-on marketing campaigns, it’s important to ensure that your marketing puts your clients’ needs at the forefront of the messaging. Focus on your client’s experience and develop storytelling messages that resonate with your clients. Demonstrate all of the ways in which you go above and beyond to serve your clients. You’ll want to clearly communicate what sets you apart from other agents and how your level of service can exceed expectations. While it can be easy to fall into a pattern of focusing on the broad-scope benefits of an insurance product, it’s much more effective for your marketing to focus on how the benefits of an insurance product can improve the lives of those who purchase it. How will it offer peace of mind? What does “peace of mind” really mean in our everyday lives? Put yourself in your clients’ shoes and think about their concerns, needs, and specific situations. Then, craft marketing messages that can address those points of interest from the client’s perspective.

5. Be Analytical. As the new year unfolds, you have a brand new opportunity to track your performance. At GSNI, we offer countless tools to help you set goals and keep track of your progress. As you set your 2022 goals, you’ll want to keep a close eye on how you’re progressing over the course of the year. Focus on your key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the contact rate: The number of leads that you contact twice — after the initial contact proves successful and the potential client is open to, or even requests, a second contact; cost per acquisition (CPA): The amount you’re spending in order to close business. You’ll want to track this metric monthly. Lastly, you’ll want to monitor your underwriting speed: How long it takes the underwriter to process an application. Underwriting that requires a longer turnaround time can negatively impact your business. You’ll want to be sure that you’re consistently submitting completed paperwork as quickly as possible to help facilitate the process.

If you need help fine-tuning your goals this year, you don’t have to go it alone. GSNI is a unique, partner focused FMO who is dedicated to helping you achieve more success, faster. With proper planning, research, and mindset — combined with the tools that offer the best of today’s technology — you are well-poised to elevate your business to new heights this year.

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GS National Insurance is an independently owned insurance marketing organization. We specialize in helping independent advisors increase their Health, Life, and Annuity Business. Our primary focus is the senior health insurance marketplace. We combine technology and experience to deliver high-quality service and support. Learn more at



GS National
GS National Insurance

An independently owned insurance marketing organization specializing in helping independent advisors increase their health, life and annuity business.