Winding Down and Gearing Up

GS National
GS National Insurance
4 min readDec 1, 2021

5 Key Tasks To Help Insurance Agents End The Year Strong and Set The New Year Up For Even Greater Success

End the year on a strong note and start out on the right foot in 2022

As the year comes to an end, insurance agents face a vital time to analyze the progress that was made throughout the year and to identify areas that may need a boost in the year ahead. We know that it’s a busy season. Between holidays and last-minute tasks, this time of year likely finds you with a very full plate. Still, we encourage insurance agents to use the coming weeks to assess 2021’s successes and missed opportunities and prepare for a strong end to the year while establishing a path that can help you to start out on the right foot in 2022.

To help, GS National Insurance has suggestions for using the end of the year to your best advantage — without taking up more time than you have to give right now.

1) Declutter Your Inbox. Email is an incredible tool; but it has a downside: stress! How much stress? Amazingly, recent studies show that approximately 92% of employees demonstrate elevated blood pressure and heart rate when handling emails at work. As you work through the end of the year, take a few moments to tackle the small but significant task of decluttering your email inbox. Archive older messages and delete junk or spam emails. Unsubscribe to online newsletters that no longer serve your needs and look for ways to organize the flurry of messages that you receive on a daily basis.

2) Assess Your Website. Before you kick off a new year of marketing, make sure that your website is up to the challenge. Is the content on your website representative of your marketing goals for the coming year? Does your site have outdated information or content that no longer best represents your personal branding? How can you improve the images and visual aspects of your site? How does your site perform on today’s popular devices, including smartphones and tablets? Even if you don’t have time to do a website overhaul immediately, make a list of what’s working and what may need to be reworked in the year ahead. This will lay the groundwork for updates that you can make to your website as time allows, helping to reinforce the important marketing strategies that will be put to work in the new year.

3) Back It Up. It’s hard to describe the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your data is well-preserved. As an insurance agent, you already understand the value of peace of mind. Now, it’s your turn to experience a sign of relief. Use December as a time to back up data stored on your computers and mobile devices. Consider using cloud-based file storage solutions to add an additional layer of backup to your files and research your options for a password solution like LastPass that can help you to securely save files in the cloud without worrying about compromised login data.

4) Have a Meeting. As the fourth quarter comes to an end, meet with colleagues, team members, staff, and associates to discuss and gather opinions on the work that was done throughout the year. Consider setting aside time for everyone to list some of their top wins for the year and collectively discuss any common challenges and ideas for improved success as you move forward. The ideas that you’ll receive from others within the insurance industry can offer significant value to you as you prepare your marketing plans and sales goals for the coming year. Learning about the experiences of other professionals can also help you to gain an additional perspective within the industry as a whole.

5) Set Your Intentions. The end of the year is the ideal time to plainly outline your goals for the year that’s soon to come. Look at your marketing calendar for the first quarter of the new year and jot down ideas for your social media content marketing, your general advertising and your personal sales goals. By having your top goals clearly defined, you’ll be well-poised to take on the tasks that will help you realize those goals while creating fresh opportunities for success in the new year.

If you need more help in closing out your year on a high note and accessing the tools and resources that can help you achieve more success in 2022, get to know your partners at GSNI. We are a unique FMO dedicated to helping you succeed. Learn more about what we do and what makes us unique by visiting us online at





GS National Insurance is an independently owned insurance marketing organization. We specialize in helping independent advisors increase their Health, Life, and Annuity Business. Our primary focus is the senior health insurance marketplace. We combine technology and experience to deliver high-quality service and support. Learn more at



GS National
GS National Insurance

An independently owned insurance marketing organization specializing in helping independent advisors increase their health, life and annuity business.