Glory Adebowale
G’s View
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2019
Photo by Ameen Fahmy on Unsplash

I want to call it a thief, crawling in late at night

But it never came without a warning

I want to call it an intruder, breaking in without a notice

But it did send messages ahead

It mild pain to the stomach here and there

Sometimes it sent mild pain to the legs

Not to forget the face, it sent bullets to the chin


Yet, its entrance is always bloody

For its messages fail to prepare one properly everytime

Maybe it’s because they’re so subtle that one could easily ignore them

Maybe that makes it a thief

Its appearance always sends shock shivering down one’s spine

It strolls in, head held up high with it’s battalion

It stations millions of needles to the stomach

It strikes the knees with feebleness

It doesn’t leave out the legs either turning them weak as straw

One’s whole body is paralyzed because of it


The sticky substance it births is somewhat a sign

Its redded flood strikes a cord

For some, it pours relief

The relief from anxiety about procreating

For some, it springs misery

The misery of not procreating


Should one fear it or should one adore it?

Should one despise it or should one embrace it?

I wonder if it’s hostesses have the luxury to think these things

For they deal with the pain it brings and clean up the mess it causes.



Glory Adebowale
G’s View

I seek to write what I see in my head and the emotions it sparks…