Glory Adebowale
G’s View
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2019

As I sat on the bench beneath a tree with golden leaves, to hide from the vengeful sun,

The coolness of my hiding place seemed to take a toll on my head

For it seems some birds came to have a conversation and keep me company

Clothed with living colors of red, green, gray, brown and yellow and armed with strong yet stubby beaks

These canaries flited and darted like the brilliant ballerinas

The sonorous yet soft tune of their voices kept me in my hypnotized state

They seemed to sing, “Come fly with us, you’ll have feathers with colors of your choice”

“We’ll teach you to dance to transfix anyone”

“We’ll teach you to sing gracefully”

“You’ll be the best amidst us in no time”

To say their voice didn’t have me mesmerized is to ask for lightening from the Lord of Hosts

I wish I could tell them I was stuck

I wish I could show them the handcuffs and ankle monitors

I wish I could ….




Glory Adebowale
G’s View

I seek to write what I see in my head and the emotions it sparks…