“A macro shot of a snow white magnolia flower against a black background” by Quino Al on Unsplash


Glory Adebowale
G’s View
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2018


I saw you last night
Maybe I only saw someone who looks like you
Maybe I saw no one at all
Your back was bent with pride as always
You walked in that unique slow motion as always
Depending on one leg as you walk
Your proud face
Holding that tablet with one hand with ear phone wrapped around your neck
I remember how someone kicked the other leg and you cried like a baby and everyone else felt you exaggerated
I remember how people concluded you were proud
I remember how we started to talk and it was nice
You were completely different from what people said about you
You were funny and had that subtle silence around you
No one could have imagined your silence was because you were hiding something
I have regrets
I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me
I’m sorry I didn’t ask you what was wrong and how you were feeling even though you nudged me on
I’m sorry I didn’t check on you but only called you on your birthday even though you said you had surgery
I’m sorry for my indifference, I really cared
I’m sorry you won’t even know how sorry I am
Your death has made me realize I have gift though,
And promise to cherish this gift, love and support it till the end
This gift of friendship



Glory Adebowale
G’s View

I seek to write what I see in my head and the emotions it sparks…