LISA PitchFest 2021 Winners

LISA announced the Winners from Cohort 2 participants:

CeresFood| Deb Mukherjee (1st Winner)
BackFeedApp| Libby Robinson MCC ( 2nd Winner)
EKGInsights | Michael Presley, J.D., M.B.A., L.H.R.M. (Third Winner)

LISA PitchFest 2021 Winners: CeresFood| BackFeedApp| EKGInsights

Investor Panel Judge Intro and PitchFest |

Hem Suri, Founder and Managing Partner, Spark Growth Ventures
Manny Fernandez, Co-founder and CEO, DreamFunded
Raphaël Auwerkerken , Founder and Investor, Webgroup
Brittany Walker, Venture Capital Investor, CRV Venture
Karly Wentz, Investor , B Capital Group

Guest Speakers:
Marineh Lalikian, Director, Stanford GSB LEAD
Singari Seshadri, Head, Stanford Venture Studio
Davina Drabkin, General Manager, Stanford Embark

LISA Cohort 2 participants have been incubating their ideas to MVPs across 16 different industry categories from Stanford GSB LEAD and MSx, which is a significant increase from our previous cohort.

After a thorough and rigorous review process that lasted 4 and 1/2 months, the winners were selected during a video pitch competition where they presented in front of investors at LISA PitchFest 2021.

LISA Lead incubator and start-ups accelerator founded by Stanford GSB LEAD participants for the LEAD community is a hybrid platform for incubating ideas to MVP and scaling ventures globally. LISA also aims to empower the LEAD global community of disruptive technology and product founders to solve the pressing challenges of the world.

LISA Founding Partners — Deepti Pahwa, Edward Mundt, Hira Dangol, Pavel Azaleytski, Misha Bykov offer their heartfelt gratitude to all the 25 participants who went through this rigorous journey over the last few months. Thanks to the immense support from Stanford GSB LEAD participants, executive & ops team, and a global network of VCs and investors, LISA continues forging a path to becoming one of the Stanford GSB LEAD community’s premier incubator & accelerator. LISA team also acknowledges the large pool of cross-industry global mentors and industry experts, who throughout the program, guided the founders and prepared them for different stages of MVP creation, storytelling, financial models, and path to growth hacking. LISA is uniquely positioned to efficiently leverage the talent and business opportunities within the LEAD ecosystem and uses an individualized approach for addressing startup founders’ needs and challenges. The team looks forward to enrolling its 3rd founder COHORT soon after a successful 1 year of churning out and incubating 50+ startup ideas from within Stanford GSB.

At LISA, Innovation Development and extreme individual care for our Startup founders has been one of our top strategic goals since the launch of this Incubator & Accelerator, and we have enjoyed being able to cultivate a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem right here in Stanford GSB Lead community in a unique hybrid digital-incubation model.

With a multitude of resources and connections for startups, networking opportunities, a supportive industry experts network, Stanford GSB Staff and Professors, and exciting new ventures (like our 3 winners this season), we are eager to support the growth of entrepreneurship and innovation within our community. Immense appreciation of the 3500+ GSB LEAD community over the last one year is a real validation of the hard work that has gone into this from all LISA members and supporters.

CeresFood| Deb Mukherjee (1st Winner)

CeresFood: Food Businesses have to innovate or perish: Ceres food wants to revolutionize traditional food services business through FAAS — Food As A Service to drive standardization and profitability across the foodservice value chain.

CeresFood is committed to reinventing the foodscape by developing executable systems and processes that lead to cost control, product consistency, manpower efficiency, and inventory reduction — thus offering customized solutions and solving the sector’s toughest challenges including reduced utility/wastage and lower carbon footprint.

Ceres is currently Expanding its ambitions in two directions:
- Cloud Kitchens
- Institutional Catering

BackFeedApp| Libby Robinson MCC ( 2nd Winner)

BackFeedApp: Most organizations have failed at creating a culture that makes feedback and encouragement easy. Neuroscience shows that it is stressful to receive feedback, especially anonymous. It is stressful to give it, which is why managers do not do more of it, and the only time it is less stressful on employees' brains is when they proactively ask for it!

Most organizations are trying to manage performance by using performance management review software, 90% of organizations in the Fortune 1000 have formal feedback processes but only 28% of those say they are effective in improving performance.

BackFeedApp is a frictionless way to make getting feedback easier — a community platform that streamlines the peer review process and offers teams a safe space to request and provide feedback. A holistic solution that enhances employee engagement through regular check-ins that boosts performance and creates a culture of collaboration.

EKGInsights | Michael Presley, J.D., M.B.A., L.H.R.M. (Third Winner)

EKGInsights: Heart Disease kills more than 17.9 million people annually which is more than any other disease including Covid. Half of those who die of their first heart attack never knew they had heart disease.

EKGs (Electrocardiograms) are the most widely used diagnostic for the detection of heart disease, yet they rely on interpretative methods that are not very sensitive and that miss 4 out of 5 actual cases of heart disease.

EKGInsights´s interpretive method named “Plainsight” increases EKGs sensitivity enabling to catch 4 out of 5 cases of heart disease using either live or digitally stored files. It is a patented software algorithm that captures and analyses EKGs signals turning those wavelets into a 3D image of the heart along with a numerical score that can demonstrate both the presence and severity of heart disease. It is non-invasive, and it takes only 30 seconds with any EKG machine and using only the arms and legs, so patients don’t even have to remove their clothes.

Plainsight can be used to assess premium risk for the world’s 4.9 billion insureds to determine heart health, especially now after Covid. Clinically, EKGs can reach physicians and hospitals by pairing with any OEM EKG which can then reach more than 1 billion known patients who suffer from hypertension and high cholesterol.

With over 389 million wearable devices worldwide this could be a public health tool for heart disease screening.

Read more about LISA Cohort 2 PitchFest| The Top 10 Finalists

#stanfordgsb #StanfordLEAD #Idea2MVP #pitchcompetition

LEAD Incubator and Start-ups Accelerator (LISA)

More info on LISA — GSB-LEAD-LISA

Follow LISA on Linkedin

Contributed by:

Martina Nicodemo, Deepti Pawha



LISA - LEAD Incubator & Startup Accelerator

Founded by Stanford GSB LEAD participants, an ecosystem for Innovators & Startups - 1st hybrid platform for incubating Ideas to MVP, scaling ventures globally.