A Lesson We Can All Learn from Introverts

Jenny Tangeman
3 min readMay 5, 2020


Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Justin Trudeau, Mark Zuckerberg, Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi. What do all of these individuals have in common? They’re great leaders? Yes. Did they lead the way in their fields? Yes. They’re extroverts? No.

Each one of these leaders are introverts who have learned the one lesson we all need to learn…

Learn to adapt to be introverted and extroverted

Do introverts have to act as extroverts? All the time.

Should extroverts learn to act as introverts? Absolutely.

The one thing the most successful leaders have in common is that they know how to take on qualities of the style that is different than their own depending on the situation they find themselves in. When asked about this, Justin Trudeau explained,

“I think I’m an introvert who’s learned to be an extrovert. I am so perfectly happy to sit in the corner and read a good book and be on my own, go for a walk in the woods or a long hike, it really deeply satisfies me. Versus the fact that my job is very much being a people-person. And I like people! I like exchanging, but that’s when I am “on”, I’m doing the work that I need to do. If given the choice, I like a small group of friends around me that I can kick back and relax with.”

Ultimately, leaders increase their impact when they grow their toolkit to behave as an introvert or extrovert. Often in positions of leadership, the outgoing characteristics of extroverts are wildly celebrated. Yet, it is a loss if extroverts do not learn to acquire some of the strengths of introverts. Introverts are incredibly creative, observant, thoughtful, and engaged. They view problems from a different perspective and have an inner strength that sets them apart.

So where do you go from here?

If you’re an introvert, find a friend who is an extrovert and learn how they operate. Ask them to help you learn to adapt to that style in given situations.

If you’re an extrovert, think about the introvert we just told to contact you and reach out to them to do the same. Trust me. It’ll make them glad you did!

While people’s styles are ingrained at birth, everyone can learn to adapt in different situations. It will take work, but it will generate richer relationships, greater understanding, and more meaningful self-awareness. As we each stretch ourselves to take on characteristics of the opposite style, we can celebrate differences and thrive together.

