Solve for being respected, not for being liked.

Dylan Barrett Robbins
Published in
4 min readMay 11, 2020

I always wanted to be liked. I think most people do. It’s only natural, right? It can’t be fun to not be liked… I have always thought that being liked was a sign of respect. Joel really changed this for me. When he said “Solve for being respected, not being liked. Being liked just makes you a pleaser, because you aren’t trusted, it doesn’t mean you are respected”.

Woah. I had to think about that for a second. Deep stuff huh? Let’s take a breather and talk a bit about Joel’s view on leadership and reputation to help understand that powerful statement a bit more.

Joel started out our talk by telling us the three things you need during a crisis for leadership:

1) Authority 2) Warmth 3) Energy

This makes a lot of sense. An authoritative, warm, and energetic leader will surely save the day in crisis time. So far so good.


But, more importantly, he talked about how none of these traits matter unless you are trusted. We dove into the 10 laws of trust: 1) Start with personal integrity 2) Invest in respect 3) Empower others 4) Measure what you want to achieve 5) Create a common dream 6) Keep everyone informed 7) Embrace respectful conflict 8) Show humility 9) Strive for win-win negotiations 10) Fix breaches immediately.

You could probably write a 10-page blog post on each of these, but two really resonated with me. First, invest in respect (which relates to my opening comment). When I think about what investing in respect really means to me, it opens up some deeper questions. Have I invested in respect, or just worked really hard and put a ton of energy into seeming “likable”? I know I work hard and I bring positive energy to my relationships, but does that make me liked or respected?

The second one that really hit me was fix breaches immediately. This one really resonated and I agree with this 1000000%. I hate to leave mistakes or bad situations unfixed for even a nanosecond. I love to jump in and fix problems (which unfortunately can lead to trying to fix problems when there aren’t any, but that is for another blog post).


I was reading this slide and trying to digest each point and then boom:

“Pure entrepreneurs light fires, but never get wildfires, only campfires that just go out.” Joel was dropping knowledge left and right. This really sunk in, I don’t want to just light fires, I want wildfires. How do I get there was the next thought in my head…

Joel delivered again, by jumping into the 10 key skills a successful leader needs. I figured I’d put myself out there and rank myself during class really quickly so I didn’t have a chance to fake it on each one (out of 10 points).

1. Making decisions (6) — I’m so-so at this.

2. Selling (10) — I could sell you horse poop, selling is my bread and butter.

3. Negotiate — (9) — I love a good negotiation.

4. Raise capital — (3) — This is something I thought I’d be good at, but it's so frickin’ hard!

5. Communicate — (5) — I’m good with good news, not so good with bad news.

6. Run meetings (7) — I think this depends on what type of meeting it is.

7. Use a board effectively (6) — I think my board likes me? I guess I have to ask them…

8. Overcome adversity (2) — I don’t think I’ve overcome enough adversity for a high score here.

9. Survive growth (5) — Tough one, not sure.

10. Drive change (8) — I am not afraid to be passionate and drive change when needed.

61/100…. OOF! That is like a D-, ouch! If you had asked me what I would have scored before going through this, I would have bet at least 85/100. This was really eye-opening for me and showed me there are lots of things I need to work on, which I guess is why I wanted to come back to business school.


After listening to all this and writing it all down, I went back to my first question: am I liked, or am I respected? I think the answer is a bit of both. If it is a spectrum, how do I move closer to respect without losing my likeability? Joel definitively seemed to not care if he was liked, only that he was respected. I am not sure I’m ok with not being liked by my peers — but If I had to choose, I guess I’d choose to be respected more. My head is spinning…

I plan to take this quiz again in a year and see how I score. Will my score go up or down? I guess we’ll see.

