Atom: My New Friend

Laura Hasemeyer
gSchool Stories
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2014

Atom is my new friend. I may be only three weeks into gSchool, but I have spent hours upon hours staring at code in Atom. And like any new friend, I have decided to make the effort to get to know it on a deeper level.

Here is a short site detailing the reasons why Atom is awesome, and also a link to download it:

Here are the basic hot keys I am memorizing first for the Atom editor:

command + d — — select current word
command + l — — select current line
shift + arrow(↑↓) — — highlight up or down a line
option + shift + arrow(←→) —— highlight to the right or left
command + shift + arrow(←→↑↓) — — highlight to far left, right, top, or botom
command + ][ — — indent or outdent current line (or group of lines)
control + command + arrow(↑↓) — — move current line up or down
control + shift + k — — delete current line
option + delete OR option + backspace — — delete to beginning OR end of word
command + enter OR command + shift + enter — — insert new line below or above
shift + command + d — — duplicate current line
command + j — — join current and next lines
command + arrow(←→) — — jump to the far left, right, top, or botom
option + arrow(←→) — — skips one word to the left or right

If you are ready for more commands, here is an excellent Atom cheat sheet:

You can also find an even more comprehensive sheet in Atom by hitting ‘ command + , ‘ and clicking on “Keybindings” on the left side.

And if you’re feeling the urge to personalize your Atom, here’s how:

  • “Syntax” concerns the appearance of the main typing area
  • “UI” is ‘user interface’ – the buttons, side bar, tabs, etc.
  • Copy the name of the UI or Syntax that you like
  • Open preferences in Atom (command + ,).
  • Click on “Themes”. In the “Install Themes” section, paste the UI or Syntax you chose, then hit enter.
  • Find your selection, click “Install”
  • In the “Choose a Theme” section of the same page, select your choice in the UI or Syntax drop-down list.
  • Your Atom should change immediately.

I expect Atom and I to have an intense relationship consisting of high frustration countered by extreme joy. I also expect these cheats to help the coding process go a little more smoothly.



Laura Hasemeyer
gSchool Stories

gSchool student, globe trotter, burrito lover, outdoors enthusiast