A Dive Into the CAMP Site Assets

Kía Valdez Bettcher
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2020

The site we made for the 2019 CAMP Festival for creatives recently won an Applied Arts award for Community Promotional Design! To celebrate, we looked back at some of the assets that went into the site experience.

The Site

The site took visitors on a mini-journey through a Canadian-inspired landscape. This is the breakdown of the assets for the site header rendered in Blender.
The boat became our hero vehicle to represent the creatives on their personal journeys
We included wild roses in the water to represent the province of Alberta and the venue location of the festival
We also took inspiration from the nature of Alberta and included creatures that live in the area including this trout
Angler fish were also included to help add an unexpected element to the site

The VR Experience

We extended the site experience out into a web VR experience, full of fun camping-related objects.

On reflection, it’s interesting to see how all these small elements working together created a unique, cohesive little story. On their own, they don’t seem like much, but together, they can help create a memorable experience.

