Lesbian ex-firefighter wins discrimination case against department

Franchina once had a suicide victim’s blood and brain matter flung at her by another firefighter

Gay Star News
GSN: Gay Star News
2 min readJan 27, 2018


Former Prov Firefighter Lori Franchina wins sexual harassment suit against the department. | Photo: AnaBottary Twitter

An American firefighter has won a discrimination case after being harassed and discriminated by her ex co-workers.

Her co-workers harassed because she is a lesbian.

Lori Franchina is from Rhode Island, an American state on the US east coast.

A three-judge panel heard how Franchina was shoved, spit on and called ‘lesbo’ and ‘bitch.’

This happened while she was a member of the Providence Fire Department.

Franchina once had a suicide victim’s blood and brain matter flung at her by a fellow firefighter.

She joined the department in 2002.

Franchina then retired on disability in 2013 after being diagnosed with PTSD which stemmed from the abuse she faced.

A jury ruled in 2016 the Providence Fire Department had discriminated against Franchina because of her gender and sexual orientation.

They said the city failed to address the problem and awarded her a settlement of $806,000 (€648,588).

Rejection of appeal

The city appealed against the decision.

They said Franchina did not present enough evidence to prove both gender discrimination and sexual orientation discrimination.

Judge Ojetta Rogeriee Thompson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit rejected the appeal.

The federal appeals court ruled Franchina was a victim of sexual harassment under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Judges wrote: ‘The abuse Lori Franchina suffered at the hand of the Providence Fire Department is nothing short of abhorrent.

‘Employers should be cautioned that turning a blind eye to blatant discrimination does not generally fare well under anti-discrimination laws like Title VII.’

Words by Charlie Mathers

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Originally published at www.gaystarnews.com on January 27, 2018.

