Suspected gay serial killer charged with three more deaths

Toronto police believe there are even more victims

Gay Star News
GSN: Gay Star News
2 min readJan 29, 2018


McArthur faces even more charges now. | Photo: Facebook

Police charged alleged gay serial killer Bruce McArthur with three more deaths. This brings the total number to five, and police believe there are still more victims.

Toronto authories first arrested McArthur, 66, earlier this month. They charged him with the murders of two gay men, Selim Esen, 43, and Andrew Kinsman, 49.

People originally reported them missing at separate times last year. However, police were not able to arrest McArthur until this month.

Several days later, it appeared that McArthur also had a relationship with a man who disappeared in 2010.

Now police have charged McArthur with the murders of Majeed Kayhan, Soroush Marmudi, and Dean Lisowick.

‘Unprecedented and draining’

McArthur was a self-employed landscaper in the city.

Toronto Det. Sgt. Hank Idsinga revealed police found the dismembered remains of ‘at least’ three victims. They were discovered in planters of a backyard where McArthur worked.

Police now have plans to search at least 30 more properties where McArthur did landscaping.

‘The city of Toronto has never seen anything like this,’ Idsinga said. ‘It is unprecedented and draining. He’s an alleged serial killer and he’s taken some steps to cover his tracks.’

H/t: NBC

Words by Anya Crittenton

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Originally published at on January 29, 2018.

