The Journey Begins for GSOC’18

Lokesh Nandanwar
Published in
1 min readMay 15, 2018

Thanks for joining me!

I have submitted a proposal for GSOC’18 to the Organisation — Software and Systems Lab, LMU Munich, Germany.

My Project Details are as below :

Title: Upgrade of AngularJS, Refactoring UI and automated testing for CPAchecker.

Details :
CPAchecker Project –

  • Upgrade of AngularJS and other third-party libraries used.
  • Refactoring of User Interface
  • Writing automated tests for unit testing using Jasmine Framework.
  • End to end testing for verification report using Protractor framework.

Hope this proposal performs well!!!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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Lokesh Nandanwar
Editor for

Student developer - GSOC'18, Student - B.Tech NIT Durgapur, Member Robocell, CCA.