Mammoth: Building Math Generalist Models Through Hybrid Instruction Tuning

Gary Nakanelua
GTA: Generative Tech Advances
2 min readOct 4, 2023

In the recently published whitepaper, “MAmmoTH: Building Math Generalist Models Through Hybrid Instruction Tuning,” researchers from the University of Waterloo, Ohio State University, and the University of Edinburgh have recently introduced a series of open-source Large Language Models (LLMs), named MAmmoTH, specifically designed for solving a wide array of mathematical problems.

The Shortcomings of Previous LLMs

While LLMs like GPT have shown remarkable language understanding and generation capabilities, they have historically struggled with mathematical reasoning. According to this blog post, the limitations stem from several factors:

  • Training Data: GPT’s training data isn’t explicitly geared toward mathematical concepts, leading to a lack of necessary mathematical knowledge.
  • Architecture: The GPT architecture is optimized for language tasks, not mathematical calculations or formal reasoning.
  • Probabilistic Nature: The probabilistic nature of GPT introduces an element of uncertainty, which is not ideal for tasks requiring precision like math problems.

Core Innovation

The key to MAmmoTH is its training on a unique MathInstruct dataset, “compiled from 13 math rationale datasets, six of which are newly curated”. This dataset features a hybrid of Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and Program-of-Thought (PoT) rationales. The dataset allows the model to approach mathematical reasoning more versatilely. Think of it as a math tutor who can explain solutions in step-by-step natural language and executable code formats, catering to different learning styles and problem complexities.

Implications for Business Leaders

The advancements in MAmmoTH offer opportunities for various sectors. From automating complex calculations in finance to optimizing supply chain logistics through advanced algorithms, its ability to outperform existing models in mathematical reasoning can lead to more accurate and efficient solutions.

For the Technically Curious

The whitepaper is quite comprehensive, so I used a “ChatGPT for PDF” service to make it easier. You can delve deeper into the whitepaper by asking questions or getting summaries here.

For the Experimenters

The MAmmoTH datasets and models are available on HuggingFace. Also, check out their Github repo here, with quickstart code and other samples to replicate the experimental results outlined in the whitepaper.



Gary Nakanelua
GTA: Generative Tech Advances

🚀MD of Innovation @ Blueprint - 🧬Open-Source Evangelist - 📘Author of Experiment or Expire - 🎸Bass player for Iris Drive - Co-host of Puget Sounds Podcast