Our Experience: Student Alumni Association

By Ilesh Jain (PC Spring ’17) and Sarah Liu (PC Spring ’16)

GTAKPsi Media
3 min readNov 15, 2017


We see the SAA logo everywhere on campus. Posters in the CULC, tables on Skiles Walkway, shirts in just about the wardrobe of every student at Tech. The list goes on and on. Of course, that’s for good reason, as SAA has established itself as the largest student organization on campus with some outstanding professional, philanthropic, and social benefits.

Now, you are probably wondering why are we posting about SAA on Alpha Kappa Psi’s blog post? One, we want to utilize SAA’s vast resources to connect brothers together and to further build brothers professionally through free events like Speed Networking with over 80 alumni, Dinner Etiquette, Wine, Golf, Legal Advice, and more! Secondly, most SAA members are not aware of the vast opportunities SAA offers, from leadership experiences to building a web of networks throughout the world, and we want to catalyze those opportunities for our brothers. Thirdly, and most importantly, we want to share our story of SAA with you!

Sarah: Along with Alpha Kappa Psi, Georgia Tech’s Student Alumni Association has greatly impacted my college experience! I joined SAA as a first-semester freshman, not knowing my purpose in college. Yes, coming to college was to learn and make new friends, but I wanted something more — an impact. Like most students, I joined SAA…and a few dozen of other organizations. Interestingly, I was not as involved with SAA during my first few months in college. I really didn’t know what SAA was until Kick Off, when I was scurrying around campus scavenging for free Waffle House hashbrowns, King of Pops, Blue Donkey, food truck food, and donuts!

While I was debating which iced coffee to pick at the Blue Donkey station, someone in a yellow SAA shirt stopped me and asked: “Want to be part of SAA’s Ramblin On Committee?” From then, I was part of the Ramblin On Committee managing a $70,000 and 2,000 attendees for an event, Spirit and Traditions Committee, and Marketing Committee! I have met wonderful people in SAA and inspirational alumni like the CEO of Waffle House, a successful astronaut, and my mentors!

Ilesh: When I came during FASET 6 before the beginning of freshman year, I saw the black-and-gold SAA logo everywhere. It was obvious that SAA was a huge organization, and after talking to my PL who was involved in SAA leadership, I made SAA my first on-campus involvement in the Alumni Connections Committee. From the get-go, I was the liaison for Dinner Jackets with some outstanding alumni and even was an Expert Jackets host for the current CFO of Coca-Cola! For me, being involved on campus as a freshman was — though sometimes grueling — the perfect transition to the college experience.

Fast forward to today, and similar to Sarah, SAA has been a huge influence so far during my time at Tech. Alongside Alpha Kappa Psi, SAA has helped me grow so much as a leader, a friend, and most importantly, an adult. The leadership team that I work with is amazing, and the tasks I am doing as the Chair of Member Engagement are interesting and dynamic. And of course, the free waffles at WaHo have been a huge plus too…

SAA has been with us every step of the way through Tech, and we want to encourage y’all to make it a part of yours as well!

– Ilesh Jain (Class of ’20) and Sarah Liu (Class of ’19)

Along with the ones mentioned before, here are some other popular opportunities you can utilize:

  • Alumni Connections (Mentor Jackets, Minute Mentor, Dinner Jackets, Expert Jackets)
  • Discount Benefits (Over 20 local restaurants/stores/attractions with SAA discounts!)
  • Philanthropy (All dues are donated to Gift to Tech and the Georgia Tech Roll Call)

Feel free to reach out to us or visit gtsaa.com if you have any questions or want to hear more about our SAA Experience

Originally published at gtakpsite.com on November 15, 2017.

