‘Great Resignation’ Continues…
Another macroeconomic, labor-related trend to be aware of:
“Even as the ‘Great Resignation’ continues, around 42% of the employees surveyed by PwC in its new study of the global workforce said they are planning to demand payraises to cope with the higher cost of living, up from 35% last year.” (Press release: https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/news-room/press-releases/2023/pwc-global-workforce-hopes-and-fears-survey-2023.html)
Between this report, and more dissatisfaction and disengagement with work (which I wrote about a few days ago), owners, founders, large shareholders, policymakers and the like should all be thinking more about and concerned with these secular trends.
And lest ye be skeptical of the report (“PwC Global Workforce Hopes & Fears Survey”) output, note that the n is “54,000 workers in 46 countries”. That is not to be immediately disregarded.
Mind you, this is as much about interest rates and cost of living as it is about job satisfaction in this case (it’s hard to be satisfied with your job if you have zero quality of life due to low wages), but it’s all tightly interconnected, for sure.