I share Trevor Noah’s Optimism on the Future of AI
From Reid Hoffman & Aria Singer’s “Possible” podcast, famed comedian, host, and author Trevor Noah, Singer asks Noah:
[AI is] limited on the data that it’s trained on. And I do appreciate, I feel like right now in the AI discussion, it’s like you either have people on Twitter saying that the robots are coming for us, or you have people saying, “it’s amazing, don’t worry, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” And so I loved your woman versus man Microsoft story [Labeled Faces in the Wild anecdote]. They had to go retrain the data. Do you see that as an unhopeful story? Because, you know, this is often created by white men, and so there’s limitations, whether it’s bias, anti-women bias, et cetera. Or do you see that as a hopeful story where, actually, once we find out what’s wrong, we can sort of fix the model? How do you see that in the evolution of AI?
Noah’s response fully encapsulates a shared optimism I also have:
I’m eternally an optimist in this space, and you can probably this recording back when the earth is burning and the robots have put us into prisons.
But, for me, it’s a hopeful story. Let me ask you this, ‘If you had an AI model that is biased you are able to find and correct that bias in a time that is almost impossible to recreate in a human being.
I think about how biased the world is we live in, and how almost imopossible it is to change those biases people hold.
Check out the rest of the transcript here.
#ai #hope #optimism