Published in
6 min readJan 9, 2019

You see, unlike that raging mad White guy in the movie, I think you can handle the truth. I also think that if just a few of us work to debunk fake news and political blow jobs, then maybe — just maybe — the truth really will set us free…from dirty politics.

As Sorensen Media Group (SMG) radio talk show hosts take umbrage at continuing allegations of bias, SMG-owned Pacific News Center news director Janela Carrera presented a blatantly fake news story fed to her by Lou & Josh 2018 campaign operatives with little, to no vetting. The lack of due diligence sparks further accusations of media bias by the media company, which is partially-owned by the Leon Guerrero family trust.

On Oct. 10, 2018, PNC Broadcast a glaringly false news report about “foreign meddling” in Guam elections. The broadcast story falsely equated the social media activity carried out by a contractor from the Republic of the Philippines with the well-documented, 2016 state-sponsored US election meddling by the Russian government.

Janela Carrera’s news story initially implied that the government of the Republic of the Philippines was behind meddling in Guam elections, but has since been quietly edited online to present a less risible supposition.

Guamblog immediately sent to a prominent social media outlet in Manila a link to the PNC story about “foreign” meddling in our local election this year. The Filipino media outlet was incredulous about the charges made in the PNC story.

Moreover, Carrera identified a Filipino “troll farm” in her story and an investigations by the FBI, alleged by the “reliable source.”

Her “source,” as she should have known from past experiences, is NOT reliable, and a well-known political troll with an agenda. Carrera also failed to first provide due diligence and establish the veracity of information she reported about a federal investigation “into the conspiracy that some gubernatorial campaigns have utilized troll farms out of the Philippines to interfere and influence the outcome of Guam’s elections.”

A REAL guamblog 3-letter friend of the blog contacted me to say, “There is no such investigation and if there were, no way any FBI investigation would be leaked or confirmed to any one outside the investigative chain of command. That’s fake news!”

FAKE NEWS. It’s telling lies in terms of manipulating people’s minds and their actions and beliefs. It’s intentional misinformation spread throughout media, and often online. Mainstream media is driven into chasing clicks, creating a dubious “clickbait” headlines to compete with social media. Butm the hasty publication of unverified information causes the public to lose trust and perceive a ‘bias’ in media when this happens. That’s why guamblog tries very hard to ensure the information we share is solid…we respect our readers and prefer high-quality content over clicks.

It took two whole days before PNC would publish online, a little heralded story with Guam Homeland Security head honcho George Charfauros telling PNC that they were completely unaware of any foreign cybersecurity threats to Guam’s elections.

Here is what IS known…

  • The political trolling scandal ongoing in our local elections is driven by local campaign operatives — not a foreign government.
  • There was, and are not, any cybersecurity threats to Guam elections or processes remotely akin to the tactics and infiltration of the US elections by the Russian intelligence agencies.
  • The so-called “troll farm” out of the Philippines, was, and remains, active working on behalf of unidentified local political operatives; including impersonating me — the REAL guamblog.

We also know that there are political actors closely associated with the Lou & Josh gubernatorial campaign, who are well-known in political circles for their eagerness to develop misleading, negative political stunts to deceive the public, who were the source of the fake PNC news story.

However, we remain uncertain of the role of the news director in pushing out the fake news. Was she knowlingly involved in the promulgation of this deception or merely played like Playstation 4 by her “friends”?

What most people do not know is that these political trolls were involved in spreading information contained in the PNC fake news report BEFORE that information was made public in that broadcast, in an apparent attempt to misdirect possible exposure.

Derrick Quinata and Rory Respicio are implicated in file creation metadata showing several attacks loaded with manufactured lies and misleading information intended to defame and smear senator Frank Aguon Jr. this past summer. Despite denials by candidate Lou Leon Guerrero about any knowledge of the same, evidence points to authorship and production of these ads on computer systems belonging to AutoSpot and Rory Respicio, respectively. These locally-produced smear ads were not generated by the so-called “troll farm” from the Philippines, but the INside trolls seem to be spending a great deal of effort to misdirect attention away from the IN campaign and their connections to the principal owner of the Philippine social media company suspected of creating the fake guamblog, as part of an attempt to influence local elections.

The REAL guamblog decided to flush out the rats by posting a teaser on the blog’s Facebok page, threatening to expose the individuals behind the fake guamblog.

Within hours, Bernadette Meno and Troy Torres conspired to manufacture another false accusation in a plot to implicate senator Frank Aguon Jr. for “taking down” guamblog, and being behind the “troll farm” political attacks.

That night, hours after the guamblog tease had gone viral, but before the PNC fake news report, the controversial political troll, in a video on his Facebook page offered a lengthy and very detailed account of how Senator Aguon had used “Filipino hackers” to disable my guamblog page….but…

The problem with the story was that it was all a lie.

I was the one who intentionally took down (deactivated) the tumblr and facebook sites for guamblog earlier this year. There was no “hacking” of my blog or facebook page. Period.

In his videoTroy mislead his audience by telling them how after I re-activated the guamblg.tumblr account, no one was able to see the blog’s facebook page, except me, because of the “evil hackers” hired by Aguon.

Fact is, I had simply forgotten to click the “publish” button once I started blogging again.

The real interesting part of Troy’s story, however, few picked up on — it was his familiarity with the troll ‘farmer’ this summer. Only a month after his highly-publicized drug bust.

Further incriminating this troll pack for IN, is a now-viral text message Bernadette Meno unwisely sent to Aguon running mate, former US Atty, Alicia Limtiaco.

The infamously sloppy political hack continued the IN campaign pressure tactics to intimidate, bully, and shame Limtiaco from supporting calls for a Write-In challenge with Aguon, by accusing the senator of using a foreign troll farm to manufacture attacks ads against the other gubernatorial teams.

The scandal-plagued Meno went on to tell Limtiaco that there was an FBI investigation into the campaign, and attempted to implicate senator Dennis Rodriguez Jr. in the plot….ALL BEFORE ANY LOCAL NEWS REPORTS WITH THIS INFORMATION WERE BROADCAST.

Interestingly enough, the PNC fake news story failed to disclose the implication of the Rodriguez campaign.

Guamblog has spoken with several attorneys about filing a complaint with the FBI, and testing new federal regulations online criminal conduct and force an investigation and find who is behind the criminal impersonation of guamblog and the theft and misuse of my intellectual property. Stay tuned.

Then, there is the self-confession by Troy Torres in yet another video, wherein he admits to having met with the individual from the Philippines — who was in town shopping his dark wares and somehow just happened to find himself in a lengthy discourse with Troy.

Guamblog sources alleged at the time, it was Troy’s effort to convince sen. Dennis Rodriguez to use this shady political trickery that caused key, longtime Rodriguez backers like Johnny Cool and felon Gil Shinohara to peel off and jump to the Lou & Josh campaign, with several others.

Rodriguez is reported to have rejected Troy’s trollish plot, but nonetheless benefited from support of the troll farmer who maintained contact and a relationship with Troy.

Who is now — IN.

Campaigns involved in black ops try hard to create a wall between the candidates and the individuals trolling and slinging mud on their behalf. It’s called ‘plausible deniability.’

However, Troy’s dishonest spin the night before the information was made public, only hours after I threatened to expose the individuals involved with the troll farm, and the sloppy, heavyhanded troll work by Bernadette Meno belie the IN campaign’s denials and claims of ignorance.

Rather, evidence overwhelmingly implicates Lou & Josh 2018 associates as being responsible for planting the fake news story on PNC, trying to pin the blame on the negative attack ads on sen. Dennis Rodriguez Jr. and baldface lying to the voters about foreign meddling in local elections.

What we don’t know, but many are questioning again, is the complicity of the SMG-owned PNC station in promulgating this egregious trick on the voters of Guam.

