Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2019
Intelligence and stupidity. Only one has limits.

Humans have been up to some really stoopit shit for 20 centuries — or more, depending how you look at human history; and, yes, as y’all know there have been some ripsnorters these past 2,000 years that have merited a well-deserved divine smack in our collective faces with a demented platypus.

But, at least until the millennium flip 18 years ago, we could take pride in one thing: as measured by IQ tests, our planet’s walking meat bags could brag how we were steadily getting smarter with each successive generation of humans.

The eggheads who track these things call that uptick in intelligence “the Flynn effect”…(Not THAT Flynn). They believe our collective intelligence rises about three IQ points per decade.

Or did.

Recent research indicates this trend is not just getting as old as bellbottom jeans, but it may actually be reversing.

In fact, studies show that humanity is officially getting dumber.

Sure, there are always dolts dumbing down generationally in their family and social groups with declines in intelligence, as things like education and diet have been proven to have an affect on IQ.

The “Pizza Fork”….As reported by New Jersey 101.5, there is currently a Kickstarter for the Pizza Fork, that boasts foolish customers to use one utensil to both cut a pizza into slices and then to eat each slice by the forkful. It’s a product that screams, “I want to eat my pies like Bill De Blasio, Donald Trump, and Sarah Palin, but I also want to do it in a slightly worse way.” Stupid people. There’s only one better way to eat pizza — and that’s faster! Pick that shit up with your hands, fool!

But, what is troubling is recent evidence that our diminishing intelligence isn’t relegated to small segments of stupid in our population.

For example,the Norway’s Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research analyzed nearly three-quarters of a million IQ tests that were given to Norwegian men over a period of 30 years.

The boffins found each generation of Norwegian men appeared to be experiencing sinking intelligence quotients — as much as seven IQ points dumber.

This isn’t even the first time smartypants have stumbled over proof that the Flynn Effect is in hard reverse among humans.

But, those of us stuck between the bespectacled smartypants and ninnyhammers don’t need perspicacious platitudes and analyses to confirm this gutwrenching demise of human intelligence. We experience it daily.

There are signs everywhere that stupidity is increasing at an alarming rate. And it’s not only easily discernible in how people vote.

The end of humanity as we know it is near. Grab some popcorn. Save yourself. And follow us as we prepare to track, from a Guam perspective, the coming shitshow and the SIGNS of the END in 2019.

Esta laters all!

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