What is Spark Token Airdrop?

Guarda Team
Guarda Wallet Blog
2 min readSep 18, 2020


Flare network’s spark tokens airdrop

What is Spark token?

Spark token is a native token of the Flare network. The Flare Network is a distributed network running the Avalanche consensus protocol adapted to Federated Byzantine Agreement and leveraging the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

How can I receive a Spark token?

Anyone who holds XRP in self-custody services can participate in this airdrop. If you keep your XRP in Guarda, you will be participating in the distribution, but you will need to claim it to receive the reward.

When will Spark tokens be distributed?

The snapshot of the XRP network will be taken on December 12. The official distribution date will be announced later by Flare Networks.

Can I get and use these tokens now?

XRP and Flare are separate networks and the Flare network has not yet been launched, so you cannot manage these tokens right now. The exact date is unknown, but the testnet is already running!

How to claim Spark token?

To claim Spark token in Guarda, you need to send a transaction from your XRP wallet and link your ETH wallet. This is a very important part. The private key from your ETH wallet will be the private key of your Flare wallet with the same address, so keep it safe! Without this private key, you will not be able to access the Flare wallet.
Read how to export your private key:
Mobile app
Web wallet and desktop app

How much will I receive?

The number of Spark tokens will be distributed at the rate of 1 token for 1 XRP in your wallet on the date of the snapshot, 12 December.



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