Guardian Angels The Invisible Protectors

Nurturing a Connection with Your Guardian Angel

Jeremy McKay
Guardian Angels
3 min readJun 20, 2023


Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

In the vast tapestry of existence, unseen forces of light accompany us.

These ethereal beings are Guardian Angels. They are our invisible protectors, guiding us with their wisdom, love, and divine guidance. While they may be intangible to our physical senses, their presence is profound and their influence far-reaching.

You have a Guardian Angel that accompanies you on your life’s journey.

They are ever-vigilant. Watching over you with unwavering devotion and a deep commitment to your spiritual growth and well-being. No matter where you go or what you do, your Guardian Angel is there, ready to support, comfort, and inspire you.

These celestial beings operate from a higher plane of existence, beyond the limitations of time and space.

They possess a deep understanding of your soul’s purpose and help you navigate the challenges and lessons of your human experience. They offer guidance, protection, and gentle nudges in the right direction. While respecting your free will and encouraging you to make choices aligned with your highest good.

The concept of Guardian Angels is prevalent across various spiritual and religious traditions.

Their essence transcends cultural boundaries. They are messengers of divine love, connecting you to the divine source and reminding you of your own inherent divinity. Each Guardian Angel has a unique energy signature to resonate with your individual soul’s vibration.

It is essential to create a sacred space within your heart and mind.

A sacred space where you can commune with this celestial being. This sacred space is a sanctuary of love, trust, and faith — a place where you can establish a deep and personal connection with your Guardian Angel. To enter this sacred space, find a quiet corner of your home or a serene outdoor setting where you can be alone with your thoughts. Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and let go of any tension or distractions.

Close your eyes and visualize a sphere of golden light surrounding you, creating a cocoon of divine protection and love.

Now, imagine stepping into this sphere of light and feeling a sense of peace and tranquility wash over you. As you stand in this sacred space, invite your Guardian Angel to join you. You may do this silently in your mind or out loud. Trust that your Guardian Angel is present with you, their loving energy enveloping you like a warm embrace.

Take a few moments to be in their presence, allowing yourself to feel their unconditional love and support.

Know that you are safe, cherished, and guided by their divine presence. In this sacred space, you can share your hopes, fears, dreams, and desires with your Guardian Angel. They are always attentive, listening to the deepest yearnings of your soul. As you conclude your time in this sacred space, express gratitude to your Guardian Angel for their unwavering presence and guidance.

Know that you can return to this space whenever you feel the need for solace, clarity, or connection. Your Guardian Angel is ever ready to assist you on your journey, and their love for you knows no bounds.



Jeremy McKay
Guardian Angels

Ageless full-time software engineer. Expert remote worker. PT Nomad. My values guide my choices. I provide tips for staying engaged, relevant, and employable.