Bronze Guardian (BG) NFT

How To Farm For The Guardian Academy NFTs

The Guardian Academy
7 min readSep 8, 2022


This article will walk you through how to purchase $WOLFIES in order to farm for the 1st NFT (Bronze Guardian) requirement of The Guardian Academy (TGA) on BNB Chain.

*These are collectible NFTs that grant access to the Guardian Academy levels. This is not a get rich quick or money making opportunity.*

$WOLFIES is one of the currencies we have chosen to run the academy on and because of that having knowledge as to how to purchase $WOLFIES will be important.

Table Of Contents

  1. Buying $WOLFIES
  2. Head Over To Wizard.Financial
  3. After 15 Days
  4. In Order To See Your Bronze Guardian NFT
  5. This Is The Contract Address Of The BG NFT
  6. How To Safe Transfer NFT Wallet To Wallet At Contract Level
  7. What’s Next


You will need to have $WOLFIES in order to attain a BG NFT

To buy $WOLFIES head over to KnightSwap. The direct link will be below.

Be sure to connect your wallet to the website so you can actually interact.

Blue arrow connects wallet
Red arrows click there to get to the exchange page if you don’t use the direct link above.

Use you BNB (or another asset) to purchase $WOLFIES

This number may be different depending on when you are purchasing.

Here is the contract address for $WOLFIES (but it should already be listed) 0x6Ad2B6d5d8F96c8E581D3100C12878b2151A0423

BNB will already be listed and you will just need to select it.

If you have trouble with the transaction you may need to increase your slippage.

Red Arrow- click the gear icon and increase the number until your transaction is able to go through.

The number for your slippage may need to be 5%-10% before your transaction can be successful.

If the slippage is not working, you may also need to delete the last decimals from $WOLFIES to make it a whole number (which will automatically change your buy in number on the top).

Sometimes you may simply need to refresh the page

8,400,000 $WOLFIES is the total amount of $WOLFIES you will need to stake for 1 BG NFT.

Head Over To Wizard.Financial

Make sure you connect your wallet to the site to be able to use it.

This is the Bronze Guardian NFT farm.

Take note, there will be a 20% stake fee. Once you press “Stake” you’ll see a pop-up.

Press “Approve” and pay the gas fee

The button at the bottom will change to “Deposit”

By changing the number from 0 to 1 you can see the cost for 1 BG NFT is 8,400,000.

Changing it to 3 you can see that the total cost becomes 8,400,000 x 3= 25,200,000 $WOLFIES.

The max that you can stake at once would be 15 BG NFTs

126,000,000 would be the amount of $WOLFIES needed for that.

When you have the correct NFT amount you’d like to stake for press “Deposit” and pay the gas fee.

The fee of 20% is already added into total amount which is what will be claimed as payment for the NFT by the Wizard.Financial team.

After 15 Days

You’ll be able to claim 80% of your $WOLFIES & your Bronze Guardian NFT. Remember that 20% was taken for payment.

As an example- If you staked for 1 Bronze Guardian NFT it will be 7 million $WOLFIES that you will receive back.

If you get impatient or impulsive or accidentally end the farm early, the countdown will start over and you will need to pay the 20% fee again to restake if you choose to do so.

In Order To See Your Bronze Guardian NFT

Scroll down the page & click on “Imported Collection” & “Import Other NFTs”

This Is The Contract Address Of The BG NFT


Paste in the address & import and you’ll see your NFT!

*Sometimes you may have to wait a moment for BSC lag to settle & occasionally you may see a wizard picture there in the place of your NFT.*

Alternatively there are other platforms that will display your NFTs in your wallet for you as well that you are free to utilize.

How To Safe Transfer NFT Wallet To Wallet At Contract Level

Eventually this may become outdated as the UI may make it simpler for you to do so. Until then it would still be important for you to learn how to navigate around the contract level a bit.

So to transfer ERC 721 (NFTs) you will have to head to BSC Scan with the contract address of the NFT (which you can find from your wallet address under the ERC 721 tab)

This is the BG NFT contract address on BSC


Click “Contract” (Green Arrow)

Then “Write Contract” (Green Arrow)

Then “Connect to Web3” (Red Arrow)

Make sure you are on the right token should say the NFT you want to transfer

You will be prompted to connect your wallet address to BSC Scan

Scroll down the page after you have connected your wallet to #6 “safeTransferFrom”

Fill in the lines

  1. From (address)- Your original wallet that you hold your NFT in
  2. To (Address)- Your destination wallet
  3. token(unit256)-your NFT number that you can find from your wallet address in the NFW contract under holders

If we go to this holder on the BSC Scan they have #250, 249,248 etc

After you pay the gas fee the NFT will populate in the new wallet address you input.

If this is not working generally the main issue is that you are not connected to the BSC Scan. You can’t just transfer an NFT from one wallet to another unless you own the NFT and can prove it (by connecting) that this is the action you wish to take.

What’s Next?

Once you have your BG NFT and want to gain access to TGA you’ll want to join our discord and verify with our bot Collab Land.

Verifying with Collab Land in our discord will grant you access to the first tier in TGA, Wolf Pack.

If you have 5 BG NFTs and 1,400,000 $WOLFIES you’ll be ready to start farming for your Silver Guardian (SG) NFT, which will be the requirement for the next tier Wolf Pack Leader. You can read more about this in the article below.

Hope this guide was helpful in helping you to navigate the BNB NFT world. Looking forward to connecting with you inside TGA!

Until next time!

DISCLAIMER: These articles are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any sort of security or investment. Consult with a professional financial adviser before making any financial decisions. Investing in general and options trading especially is risky and has the potential for one to lose most or all of their initial investment

