TGA New Year Town Hall 2023

The Guardian Academy
7 min readJan 1, 2023

“Live to Learn. Give To Earn”

The Guardian Academy is built on the idea that there is a difference between getting filthy rich quickly and becoming the kind of human that earns true wealth. Wealth is acquired by understanding what matters to you, experiencing the process of acquiring it and then sharing your experience with others.

2022 was a year of foundations; laying the foundation for The Guardian Academy.

2023 is the year of the Guardian.

The only way to become a Guardian of the Guardian Academy is through significant contribution to others. [See requirements here]. Since our Guardians have reached their Guardian status by contributing, we believe they should be the biggest beneficiaries of what we have to offer: time, effort, resources, connections, etc. We have seen, over the past year, that when we give to Guardians, it has an exponential “trickle” effect on the entire academy; they turn around and expand on what they experience and learn for the lower tiers and the public.

This is a “force multiplier” in the sense that every resources we put into the Guardian tier accomplishes far more, both inside and outside of TGA than the same resources would if they weren’t focused on Guardians.

2023 is the year of the Guardian — we will pour into them and they will pour into the world in ways that we never could. If you have ever benefitted from TGA, be sure to show love and appreciation for your Guardians. If you are a Guardian, take a moment to recognize your own contributions (since we tend to discount our own work). If you are not yet a Guardian, we hope to see you in the Guardian Tier soon.

Here is the TGA New Year Town Hall and resources:


2023 Year Of The Guardian

Share, engage, discuss topics that have come up in this recap thread.

Wolf Den Give

Last month TGA lost a dear friend, fellow Wolf Pup, and Guardian of TGA to addiction, Zachary Good. The Wolf Den provided a link to Genius Recovery which is an organization devoted to helping change the global conversation about addiction. We encourage you to give back, contribute, participate to any cause you feel strongly about in 2023 and ongoing. Remember it doesn’t need to be monetary, the opposite of addiction is connection.

Capstone Highlight

On Sundays TGA releases a Capstone project created by our members. The Capstone project is one of the requirements for anyone looking to ascend to the Guardian tier. The Capstone is reviewed by Guardian members who determine whether or not they pass in order to be added to the body of knowledge.

Find some of the Capstones that have been published by TGA:

LinkTree For Foundation Building

Anytime expectation doesn’t meet reality which is where anxiety comes from it is best to revisit fundamentals. If you are new or need a refresher it is all about building that foundation. TGA fundamentals and force multipliers are now available for you to read, watch, or even listen so that you can maximize your own learning style.


Guardian Of The Quarter Q3 2022

Q3- Tim:

Any of the Metaverse spoilers that you have seen from The Wolf Den has come from Tim. You can go and explore the rabbit hole if anything gaming and Metaverse interests you.

Tim’s Twitter

TGA of course will have their own part in the Metaverse as well stay tuned.

Guardian Of The Quarter Q4 2022 & Guardian Of The Year 2022

Q4- Malek Worlds:

If you have been in our ecosystem for any amount of time you will probably have seen this Guardian. Through a vote the community has spoken and Guardian of the Quarter Q4 AND the Guardian of the Year for 2022 goes to Malek Worlds. If you want to be involved in Web3, Malek is a great resource to follow as he is an amazing connector of people and community builder.

Malek’s Twitter

Metaverse TGA Land

TGA exists to improve the state of the world.

Live to Learn, Give to Earn.

The Metaverse will be gamified and fun (hopefully for you). It will be another dimensional way to be able to learn and give to earn.

We are aiming to do more good and be valuable for humanity, not to be a project that people buy and hope to get rich tomorrow.

Guardian Academy And Guard FDN

We are one of the first projects that were built on the Guard Foundation Ecosystem. TGA base case is the same as it has been Guard BUSD. Many future initiatives will accept primarily $GUARD so that TGA can participate in the Guard FDN governance.

Wolf Den Contest

The Wolf Den provided a prize for our New Year’s Town Hall. The cut off for entries is on Jan 1, 2023 5PM PST.

The winners will be picked through a randomizer and you were eligible if you followed the instructions from the thread above.

Penguin Posse

The founder of this project is also a Guardian of TGA. Anyone who was a wolf pup NFT holder also received a 1:1 Penguin via airdrop. The mint is currently sold out but you can learn more about the project through their Twitter.

A Look At 2023 Moving Forward

This will be the structure for TGA for 2023.

Dire Wolf members are apart of the board (similar to a board of advisors). They will be able to sit in on Team meetings (first one being Jan 4, 2023).

Guardians are weekly at minimum for live calls (topics will vary based on what is going on) as they have been over the last several months. The replays will sometimes get trickled down to Alpha Wolf/ WPL members it depends on how useful it is to share the replay.

Alpha Wolf & Wolf Pack Leaders will at minimum have a live call/AMA monthly with either the Team or Dr. Jeff Spencer.

Wolf Pack there are several member led conversations happening through the week. The gift is that as members lead these discussions and groups that you will be able to gain various perspectives about the same concept. These announcements will usually be posted by members for the medium they use in the discord group. If you aren’t in the discord yet and would like to find out about these convos here is the link to join

Hot Seats

If you are in any tier you can apply for a hotseat. These will be led by Guardians and the CCA Pack from the Wolf Den. If you need help or feel stuck and have difficulty navigating the situation by yourself you can request a hot seat to group think the situation. The topic can be anything you are truly having a hard time with.

Inside The Den

Created by two Guardians, Jake & Dwayne, they have also made a schedule for things that are going on inside the ecosystem. They do an amazing job at keeping up with all the events that are not only from the team, but also from the community.

You can get access to this from the link below:

All official team announcements of course will always be sent through discord, twitter, and sometimes emailed for those that have registered.

That’s it for now be sure you are subscribed to “The Guardian” as these will get you weekly updates to your email inbox. You can check out Issue 0 and subscribe so that you can get the next issue delivered to your inbox below:


DISCLAIMER: These articles are for educational purposes only. Nothing in this article should be construed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any sort of security or investment. Consult with a professional financial adviser before making any financial decisions. Investing in general and options trading especially is risky and has the potential for one to lose most or all of their initial investment

