All you need to know about Google Cloud vs AWS

Guardians of Cloud
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2020

Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services have been two of the most talked-about cloud service providers. AWS has been ruling the cloud market with around 33% share in the cloud market while Google Cloud is still playing catchup with just an 8% share in the cloud market in Q4 of 2019 according to a report by Statista. But this doesn’t mean that AWS can sit at peace because they are the leaders because Google is touted to get an 18% market share in 2020.

Google Cloud Platform and AWS have their own compelling features and services that make them so successful. In this article, we’re going to create a clear distinction between these two cloud platforms so you can understand what sets them apart from each other and which one of them will be the best suited for your needs.

Analysis of Google Cloud vs AWS

What are the different features that Google Cloud and AWS offer?

Google offers Anthos service which based on its highly acclaimed multi-cloud Kubernetes engine. This service helps its customers by giving their application a more modern look. They can deploy their applications anywhere because of its high compatibility. Since AI and Machine learning are the future their cloud service is well equipped with TPUs that can run TensorFlow and other AI libraries. Compute Engine is one of the most popular features of Google Cloud Platform.

Source: AWS

Coming to Amazon Web Services, I mean what don’t they offer? AWS has the largest catalog of services with over 200+ services. Explaining these services would not be feasible so this is the gist. The star of their catalog is EC2 which is used by organizations all over the world and it is the starting point for a lot of cloud customers. For future-proofing, they have also built an AI service called Sagemaker, though it is not that well optimized as Google’s.

Source: GCP

What storage options do they offer?

Google Cloud and AWS both offer storage options like object storing, Virtual machine disk storage, file storage, and archival storage. For object storing AWS has a service called S3 which stands for Simple Storage Service and Google has Google Cloud Storage ( Yes, that’s the name). The storage that you get when you use a Virtual machine is called Elastic Block Store and Google provides HDD and SSD storage for this.

Source: AWS

Archival Storage is where AWS takes the crown as it has two Archival storage options Glacier and Glacier Deep Glacier whereas Google provides just once Archival Cloud Storage. For file storage, AWS has Amazon Elastic File Storage and Google has Cloud Filestore.

Source: GCP

What are the Network Capabilities of Google Cloud and AWS?

AWS provides bulk data transferring through their shipping disk drive called AWS Snowball which is a device based service and AWS Snowmobile which is capable of transferring data of the Exabyte level. On the other hand, Google cloud has a low-frequency Nearline service and lowest frequency Coldline service.

AWS only has a maximum IOPS per volume of 500 but Google has a substantial advantage in this field with 3000 read and 15000 write operations. AWS doesn’t have a tiered networking framework whereas Google Cloud has one. They both have serverless computing called AWS Lambda and Container Engine respectively.

Source: Businesswire

What are the discount plans offered by them?

AWS offers Reserved Instances and Savings Plans to provide discounts to their customers who plan on using their service for a long period of time. Similarly, Google Cloud has Committed use and Sustained use options. Both AWS and Google Cloud give these discounts over one or 3 years of commitment. Google Committed Use is found to give a benefit of 28% over 1 year and 35% over a period of 3 years.

With AWS you have the option to entire amount upfront, partial amount upfront, and partial monthly and the full amount monthly. With Google’s Sustained use you don’t have to pay the amount fully and you don’t have to reserve the instances for a period of time. The discount increases as you continue using the Google Sustained use monthly.

Want to know even more?

We at Opslyft are cloud enthusiasts and have a team of professionals that have deep down knowledge of both AWS and Google Cloud. The struggle of cloud services doesn’t end even after you choose your preferred provider. Organizations struggle to keep up with their cloud bills and this is where we step in. We have an AIOps framework that optimizes the infrastructure of organizations and by understanding your needs we help you save costs on the cloud.



Guardians of Cloud

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