A Million Small Acts: Exploring the Forest of Imagination Nature Realm

Guardians of Earth
Guardians of Earth
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2024

We are excited to announce the creation of a new Nature Realm for the Forest of Imagination 2024! This year’s theme, “Biodiversity: Ring a Million Small Acts,” perfectly aligns with our mission to connect people to nature through playful exploration and community-led engagement with the natural world.

About Forest of Imagination 2024

The Forest of Imagination festival is a celebration of creativity, nature, and community, held annually in Bath, UK. This year, the festival’s theme highlights the importance of biodiversity and the impact of small, collective actions. With interactive installations, workshops, and performances, the festival encourages participants of all ages to engage with the natural world in meaningful ways.

Introducing the Forest of Imagination Nature Realm

To enhance the festival experience, we have established a Nature Realm at the site of this year’s festivities in Bath. This digital representation captures the collective knowledge and biodiversity of the area, offering festival goers a unique way to explore and contribute to the bioculture of the ecosystem.

Already, before the festival has even kicked off, the Forest of Imagination Nature Realm boasts:

  • 178 Sightings of
  • 126 Species by
  • 55 People.

How to Get Involved

Play the Spirits of the Realms Game The simplest way for festival goers to get involved is by playing the Spirits of the Realms mobile game within the Nature Realm. This immersive game encourages players to explore the documented biodiversity, add their own species sightings, and develop skills in identifying past sightings. Along the way, players will meet nature spirits inspired by past players’ discoveries.

Download the game on Android or Apple devices here: Spirits of the Realms Game

Add Your Stories and Identifications Festival participants can also contribute by using the “Add Your” button on the Forest of Imagination 2024 Nature Realm’s webpage to share stories related to the land, life, or festival. Additionally, participants can help identify species found by others by sharing their nature expertise through the Oracle of Life — bioexpertise.org.

Why It Matters

By participating in the Forest of Imagination Nature Realm, festival goers become part of a larger community effort to connect with, document and preserve biodiversity. Each sighting, story, and identification contributes to a richer understanding of the local ecosystem and fosters a deeper connection to the natural world. Your story of connection with nature is but one thread in a collective tapestry.

Join us in celebrating biodiversity and the power of creativity and collective action at the Forest of Imagination 2024. Together, we can make a difference, one small act at a time.

You Can Get Involved:

Guardians of Earth is all about active community participating in the story of nature. Can’t make it to Bath, UK to be a part of this years Forest of Imagination? That’s okay, there are many ways that you can be a part of this transformative movement to regenerate our planet and empower communities.

  • Visit Our Website: Visit the Guardians of Earth (GoE) website to learn about our Nature Realms and our unique nature-positive gaming.
  • Follow our Socials: Follow this blog, or visit our (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Discord).
  • Stay Connected: Sign up for our Guardians of Earth (GoE) newsletter to receive the latest updates on the “Realms to Watch” program and other pioneering regenerative initiatives.
  • Contact Us Directly: Reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss an opportunity.

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Guardians of Earth
Guardians of Earth

Guardians of Earth (GoE) is a nature tech company that generates wealth for people and organisations engaged in eco-positive action.