Mandala Club: Cultivating Wellbeing and Championing Green Space in Urban Singapore

Guardians of Earth
Guardians of Earth
Published in
5 min readJun 12, 2024

Mandala Club’s hidden green oasis in the heart of Singapore’s bustling Chinatown embodies commitment to fostering nature and wellbeing in urban environments.

Image: The Mandala Club community exploring their Realm.

Introduction to the Realms to Watch Program:

The ‘Realms to Watch’ program by Guardians of Earth is a ground-breaking initiative designed to support community-led regenerative projects delivering science based approaches integrated with local/traditional knowledge systems.

Mandala Club, Singapore, is one of the seven exceptional Nature Realms chosen for this program, exemplifying the power of community-led conservation and restoration. You can learn more about the ‘Realms to Watch’ program in our original post.

Introduction to the Mandala Club Realm:

Nestled in the heart of Chinatown, Singapore, the Mandala Club’s Realm is a hidden green space behind heritage shophouses, offering a calm, natural environment amidst the urban hustle. This enclave provides a serene escape for city dwellers and a place for local wildlife to thrive, making it a unique and vital part of the community.

Below Lilly Milligan Gilbert, Chief Sustainability Officer of the Mandala Group, shares what makes their community special and how the ‘Realms to Watch’ program can help them deliver positive impact for the Nature Realm.

How does the community connect with nature through Mandala Club’s Realm?

Modern city life has a tendency to distract us all from the reality that we are of course all a part of nature. Mandala Club’s Realm provides a sanctuary for members and the surrounding community to connect with nature amidst the bustling urban environment of Singapore. One of the most cherished aspects of this green space is the Tembusu tree, which holds significant cultural value. In 2015, a Tembusu tree was planted in the park in memory of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding father (being a favourite tree of his). This tree not only serves as a living tribute to his legacy but also symbolizes resilience and growth, values deeply embedded in Singaporean culture.

The Tembusu tree, with its distinctive and robust structure, has become a landmark within the park. It provides shade and a tranquil setting for contemplation and community gatherings, inspiring a deeper appreciation for nature and heritage. By engaging with this green space, members of Mandala Club and the broader community can reflect on the interconnections between natural and cultural heritage, fostering a sense of stewardship and responsibility towards the environment.

What do you plan to fund with investment in your Realm?

Investments into Mandala Club’s Realm will fund an Awareness Campaign Aligned with Singapore’s Green Plan 2030. Mandala Club itself is located within this Realm and convenes almost 3,000 members representing a diverse cross-section of Singapore society and plugged into a global network of movers and shakers. We plan to launch an awareness campaign for this audience through an interactive tournament of the nature-positive mobile game Spirits of the Realm, supported by engaging touchpoints such as talks, displays and editorial content. From experience, when our member audience is engaged, new exciting doors open.

How will these projects benefit the land and community of the Realm?

Our campaign will significantly enhance the community’s awareness and engagement with the unique natural environment within our Realm, improve the quality of urban life, and involve more people in regenerative efforts. Through promoting the protection of the land and biodiversity that depends on it we aim to also protect the ecosystem services it provides our community, such as clean air or access to nature in an urban environment.

In addition, the “Realms to Watch” program is also about aligning the incentives for capital and community to create a truly regenerative culture. The ‘Realms To Watch’ program’s innovative approach treats contributing communities as co-investors, with their own shares, so that they are motivated to enhance ecological value for everyone’s benefit. Additionally, the land itself is also treated as a co-investor, always holding 51% of the Realm’s shares. This symbolises the intrinsic value of the land and its crucial role in sustaining life and prosperity. The land, in effect, is an investor in us.

Further, this proof of concept of the valorisation of nature could lend support to developments in the voluntary or regulatory framework for carbon/biodiversity, which some of our members work in.

What’s your vision?

The long-term vision for the Mandala Club is to preserve and enhance this green space within Chinatown, proving its importance and value to policymakers and improving the site’s biodiversity health (as measured by Guardian’s of Earth’s ‘BioScore’) over time. This will ensure that the park continues to serve as a vital oasis for residents, commuters, and workers.

You Can Get Involved:

Guardians of Earth is sharing this exclusive investment opportunity with our network of influential and values-driven impact investors. There are many ways that you too can be a part of this transformative movement to regenerate our planet and empower communities.

  • Follow the Journey: Explore the remarkable stories of each Realm in our “Realms to Watch” series and witness the profound impact of community-led regenerative projects. Follow this blog, or visit our socials (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram).
  • Apply for the Next Round: The 7 Realms to Watch are the first of many to come. Are you a leader of a regenerative community that deserves to be in the next round?
  • Stay Connected: Sign up for our Guardians of Earth (GoE) newsletter to receive the latest updates on the “Realms to Watch” program and other pioneering regenerative initiatives.
  • Join the Community: Introduce yourself on the GoE Discord and actively contribute to the discussions that shape this journey.
  • Contact Us Directly: Reach out if you have any questions or want to discuss an opportunity.
  • Visit Our Website: Visit the Guardians of Earth (GoE) website to learn about the platform that makes this possible.

Act now to support community-led efforts that are revitalising our planet and its communities. Your involvement can drive significant change. Together, we can create a thriving future for all.

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Guardians of Earth
Guardians of Earth

Guardians of Earth (GoE) is a nature tech company that generates wealth for people and organisations engaged in eco-positive action.