A New Paradigm in Betting Topics

Attention shifts and creative opportunities

Jose Garay
3 min readOct 16, 2018


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Sports betting tradition is long: football, basketball, baseball, hockey or boxing are some examples of sports that have seen a broad community of bettors grow around them. Non-human contests like horse racing and hound racing are also popular in some parts of the world. Betting has also been present in a number of non-athletic competitions like television contests or political elections.

In recent years, eSports betting has vastly grown in popularity as a product of a generation of online gaming spectators willing to stake money on their predicted outcomes. Sports have an important history of entertaining people, and eSports can be considered competitive electronic sports that also entertain. This new betting category is usually portrayed as the natural evolution of sports betting, but we are on the brink of a much larger paradigm shift regarding bet topics.

The internet has changed the topics and events people pay attention to in their everyday lives. Over 1 billion hours of video are watched in Youtube every day. There exist more than 1.2 million subreddits on Reddit. While sports enjoyed most of the entertainment attention in the television era, people’s eyeballs are now focused on a much broader number of topics. Markets about events happening in all of these niche topics can be accessed through Guesser.

The community of creators and players built around Guesser will define the future of betting topics. It’s not possible to predict which ones will be more popular, as it is a process that will evolve naturally. Let’s go over some of the ones that we think can see a cambrian explosion of topics around them once Guesser is fully functional.

📰 News

Anything that’s hot on the internet can be converted into a good bet. Newsy stuff we can see bets created around could be Elon Musk’s new entrepreneurial adventure, how many people will attend a music concert, or who will win a local surf competition.

💸 Crypto

Of course, crypto buzz will be a huge market for crypto markets. Prices, news, announcements, releases… you name it! Us crypto wanderers like to predict what’s happening next, and now we have a chance to make money if we’re right.

📺 Politics

All eyes used to be on 2pac. Now, all eyes are on politics. It’s all you hear about on TV, all you read about on Twitter’s trending topics, and all your family members talk about at that annoying Sunday dinner. This will lead to politics being a hot topic regarding bets. Elections, nominations, judicial processes, international affairs…

🎮 Gaming

As we previously mentioned, eSports is growing fast. The creation of bets around these tournaments won’t be closed to a couple of startups anymore, and this will not only create financial opportunities for creatives, but it will also lead to more original, fun bets being launched about things that might not occur to these startups as suitable for betting.

We will bet on whether some players win a tournament, but also on how many kills they will get, how fast they will die, or how many sodas they will drink during the game! It’s also going to be fun to see competitions between friends get bettors’ attention in the same way they sometimes go viral on social media.

😝 So many more

We all know niche subreddits with hundreds of thousands, sometimes millions of subscribers. Similarly, we will see betting topics gain popularity in fields we couldn’t have imagined before Guesser. A site where anyone is free to create bets and play at those created by others is the needed environment for this creativity to be unleashed. We can’t wait to go live!

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