Host Interview: Edward LeMay From Boston

Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2017

“Whenever possible I like to meet the guests and sometimes the guests have time for a conversation which is great!! But that doesn’t always work for every guest. I want people to feel at home here”…

Whenever possible I like to meet the guests and sometimes the guests have time for a conversation which is great!! But that doesn’t always work for every guest. I want people to feel at home here…

Q: Why did you decide to become a host?

A: I was a guest in Venice Beach CA as I was at a “performance Workshop taught by @Tim Miller!! My hosts were Jeff, a bodybuilder and his great wife, a nurse. So the seed was planted. When I returned to boston my long term tenants were asking to get out of their lease as there was construction noise next door. THESE WERE GREAT TENANTS! And I thought that I spent a lot of time and energy securing these tenants and that as sorry as I was to loose them, it was going to happen again. So I decided on short term rentals!! I told the prospective AIRBNB GUESTS that there was construction next door and so the die was cast!~ Guests loved my apartment and didn’t mind the construction from 8 to 4pm as most of them were out on the town or at the convention center, the Hynes, or working in Boston.

Q: What year did you start hosting?

A: 2013

Q: How many properties do you own / manage?

A: 5

Q: What do you love about being a host?

A: I’ve been working on my house since I first lived here in 1978 but really started the major renovations in 1981 — — this is currently PHASE III… I love living in a great house!! Surrounded by my collection of sculpture and works of art. Isabella Stuart Gardner has been a long time HERO of mine… I’ve read her story and I’m familiar with her biographers and so many of her stories!! I’ve always wanted to be a BNB but thought I didn’t have time to make the breakfast — — so along comes AIRBNB!! It’s a good match…

Q: What, if anything, do you find challenging about being a host?

A: There have been a very few (i.e. 3 guests) in over 800 bookings who were very upset and who wanted a discount!! I don’t think it’s fair — but it comes with the territory!!

Q: Do you have a philosophy or approach to hospitality that you think differentiates yourself from others?

A: Whenever possible I like to meet the guests and sometimes the guests have time for a conversation — — which is great!! But that doesn’t always work for every guest. I want people to feel at home here… I want people to feel that this is their own home.

Q: Do you offer any special amenities that you think are important for guests to be aware of?

A: I’m a “transportation hub” in Boston… very close to Green Orange and Silver Line — 200 ft south of the 43 bus whoch will bring you to park street — — one block north of DownTown crossing which is Point Zero in Boston!! 8 minutes north of AmTrack and Acela!!

GuestBook is the easiest way for short-term rental, vacation rental, and homesharing hosts to manage their properties, reservations and guests. For travelers, GuestBook provides access to hospitality services and peace of mind throughout their trip.




A hospitality platform for the short-term rental market that empowers hosts to better manage their properties, reservations & guests.