Host Interview: Lisa Braaten from Pasco Washington, USA.

Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2018

We openly invite short-term rental hosts to take our online “Host Interview”, that shares their experiences as a host. For those that would like to do the interview with us, we’ll post your story on our website and all our social media channels. The “Host Interview” stories have helped our users’ businesses in the past by giving them exposure to potential guests and other hosts. This week, read the question and answer session with Piero Asso from Florence Italy.

Lisa Braaten from Pasco Washington. USA

I am a single mom. I love Airbnb! My children and I get to meet new people, and it provides us $ to be able to do fun family adventures!

Why did you decide to become a host?

A: Financial need

Q: What year did you start hosting?

A: 2017

Q: How many properties do you own / manage?

A: 1 Property.

Q: Where do you list your properties?

A: Airbnb Craigslist

Q: What do you love about being a host?

A: Helping create great memories for people.

Q: What, if anything, do you find challenging about being a host?

A: Sometimes it would be nice to have our house to ourself :)

Q: Do you have a philosophy or approach to hospitality that you think differentiates yourself from others?

A: I really try to give each guest a different experience based on who they are, and the reason they are in town, whether it is for work or vacation.

Q: Do you offer any special amenities that you think are important for guests to be aware of?

A: Good beer :)

Q: Are you currently using GuestBook to help manage your properties and hosting, and if so, how has it helped?

A: Yes, it provides more clarity on who’s coming.

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A hospitality platform for the short-term rental market that empowers hosts to better manage their properties, reservations & guests.