A Relationship Guide for Girls

Kylie Hoff
Guide to Life
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2019

By: Elora Espinosa

Having arguments all the time with the one you love? You may think that there is compromise but there is. You should never find yourself saying that there is no hope, that will not lead to a healthy relationship. What you really need is someone who understands you. You need someone with the same values as you. Yes, you will have your up’s and down’s but nobody else will look at you the way they look at you.

Knowing They Are The One

The way he makes you feel special all the time is him showing he cares. For him all he needs is you. He wants to make you happy, to make you his universe and his world. Will things be tough? Yes. It’s going to be hard at times but if they say they will be there and fight for the relationship, then fight.

They should know how to clean, cook, and do laundry. They should take care of themselves before taking care of another person. If they think they are ready, let them take the task and see how bumpy the road will be. Starting out may be awkward, especially if you were friends first, because going from friends to boyfriend and girlfriend can be an adjustment. Eventually, things will fall into place and you guys will just click.

Fighting with your Partner

No matter how much you believe that things will work out in the end, you will eventually hit a roadblock where you won’t know what to do. You’ll get mad at each other and try to smooth things over, and you’ll find that it doesn’t work. If this happens you should give each other space for a bit and apologize to one another and make sure everything is okay. Remember that it is you and him against the problem, not you and him against each other.

What makes a good relationship is trust and the bond you have with the person you’re with. You need to feel safe and comfortable with them. You may be scared to let them into your world, but just trust them. Eventually, they’ll become the highlights of your day and you’ll long to see them. Even if you have issues with him, you’ll still feel love towards him and a want to be to with him.

Knowing That They Are The One

When you know that they are your world and your everything in the universe, they make you feel special. They make you want everything you want, but don’t need. Will it be a struggle to say no to the one you love but who truly knows you want something yes. Because you also want them to succeed in life and if you don’t say no sometimes will make it hard. Yes you will want to say yes but you have to resist it.

Yes you should believe in your significant other they are your missing piece to your puzzle. They will be there for you when ever you have bad days and your best days, but will they ever leave you when you say something you don’t mean no. they will be extremely understanding and they will be a little frustrated that you said that but they will understand.

They will understand you recognize what’s wrong if something is wrong with the situation, even when you don’t want to talk about it they will care and listen to you bitch about whatever it is you need to complain about because they care. If they wouldn’t listen to you then you chose the wrong person to be with. If they listen to you 24/7 non-stop then you will be fine.

Your Support System

They calm you sometimes, but they are your main support system no matter what. If you lose something, they will try to help you find it no matter what. Even though you don’t want help they will help you, just because they know that you will get flustered and overwhelmed. They can see you in their future and the best out come there is to it when you start dating and that’s rare.

Knowing They Care

When they act just like you, and you don’t realize it until your dating then yes that is scary. Everyday will be interesting because you both are the same person, just a different body and you both think the same and have similar interests. But you love them for who they are and how they embrace it. Yes, they may act like a dork, or a nerd. But that’s ok they just need to know that you love them and that you’ll always be by their side and there support system.

Can it scare you every day? Yes, it can because this person actually cares about you and isn’t using you. It may feel like it at first but they aren’t they really want to get to know you as a person. Which you think that would never happen to someone like you because you are different and special, physically and mentally. You feel ashamed of your past because you don’t think they will accept you for who you are and make new memories with you. Will they know your past yes they will but they won’t care they will just care about you trying to change the person who you used to be and that’s all you can do.

