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In-depth interviews

Paulina Barlik
Published in
1 min readJun 21, 2019


In a few words (5 min read)


Interviewing users is at the core of all research activities. It is simply the best way to understand the hopes, desires, and aspirations of those you are designing for. This short description from IDEO Design Kit comes with a few practical tips how to conduct great interviews.

Step by step (5–30 min read)

Interviewing Users

To better understand a specific research method one has to learn its limitations. This is what this article will help you with when it comes to the in-depth interviews. Jacob Nielsen explains what interviews can and can not tell you.

Deep dive (30 min — few hours read)

Interviewing Users: Uncovering Compelling Insights by Steve Portigal

YouTube video of Steve Portigal presentation at Interactive Design Conference. Author of “Interviewing users” discusses many of the points from his book. It is great call-to-action to continually practice and develop your interviewing skills. The video is not the best quality, but it could serve as a short-cut for those of you, who don’t have time to read his book (I would still recommend reading it).

