
Paulina Barlik
2 min readJun 21, 2019


In a few words (5 min read)

Better User Research Through Surveys

Sketch-notes YouTube video from UXMastery series with a few useful tips how to build an effective survey and collect the most valuable information from users.

Online Surveys

A definition of an online survey, that underlies its lower cost compared to traditional surveys. The article include benefits of the method, advice how to conduct surveys and suggestions what questions to ask.

Step by step (5–30 min read)

Five Tips for Using Surveys in UX Research

Surveys are mistakenly considered an easy research method. This article will help you step-up your survey game. The author also reveals five surprising use cases for using surveys in user research.

Better User Research Through Surveys

The article presents the whole process of designing a survey in a simple and easy to understand way. Starting from proper understanding of the method and its limitations to designing surveys and analyzing collected data.

Net Promoter Score Considered Harmful (and What UX Professionals Can Do About It)

Net Promoter Score survey is a favorite way to gather user feedback, making it probably the most used and abused quick survey. Jared Spool makes a point that it is a harmful and limiting metric in UX.

Deep dive (30 min — few hours read)

On Surveys

In this extended essay Erica Hall, UX research expert and author “Just enough research,” touches on dangers of bad survey designs. She concludes “making bets based on insights from observed human behavior can be far more effective than basing bets on bad surveys.” Luckily she also includes suggestions how to improve your survey design.


Google Forms

Free form creator from Google. Accessibility of this tool probably makes it the most popular one.

Survey Monkey

Complex survey platform for everybody: from small business to big corporations with pricing model reflecting that variety. If you are looking for simple, cheap surveys with customizable templates you may want to try Wufoo, also part of the Survey Monkey platform. Free plan up to 100 responses.


Online form creator with characteristic conversational design (1 question per page) and easy drag-and-drop editor. Great for forms, survey and quizzes. Free plan only up to 100 responses.

