5 *genius* hacks to help you get focused and concentrate

Helen Wallace
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2021

When we get cracking with our tasks each day, we do so with the best of intentions. But even when we set ourselves up for success by sticking to a routine and writing a to-do list, it doesn’t take much for our focus to shift.

According to statistics by Microsoft, the average human adult has the attention span of just eight seconds. While these claims might refer more to our online behaviour, with so many distractions in today’s world, concentrating on the job at hand can seem impossible.

Fortunately, our brains are miraculous things, and we can use them to hack our way to increased concentration and productivity. Here are five easy tips to get your head in the game and refocus instantly for optimal output.

1. Stop multitasking

It might seem like the more you try and do at once, the more time you’ll save. But multitasking can actually not just slow you down, but lead you to make more mistakes. Yikes! In fact, studies have indicated that it can lower your productivity by as much as 40%. One thing at a time, people.

2. Turn on tunes

While putting on your favourite party playlist might get your blood pumping, the lyrics and beats are not conducive to enhanced concentration as far as work is concerned. Research conducted in 2013 revealed that Mozart minuets in particular are able to increase your ability to focus and block out distractions.

3. Have a drink

No, not *that* kind of drink! Both coffee and tea are known for their ability to boost concentration thanks to their caffeine levels. Try to limit your caffeinated-beverage consumption to one or two a day, and try to consume them before two in the afternoon so that you can get to sleep easily at night.

4. Take a break

If you find your mind wandering, your brain is trying to tell you something. Get up and stretch your legs every 20 minutes to prevent your focus from waning and keep you plugged in. Bonus points if you can take a quick walk around the block or spend time in your garden to recharge.

5. Have a nap

Taking a quick snooze 😴 might seem like the least effective way to get more work done, but strategic power naps can be just what you need to stay in the zone. This doesn’t mean sleeping for hours, though. The ideal power nap should be between 10 and 30 minutes long, so don’t forget to set an alarm!

