5 qualities of successful freelancers🥇 that you should sharpen — stat!

Helen Wallace
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2020
Giorgio Trovato from Unsplash

2020 has resulted in the freelance market becoming even more saturated than it was before the novel coronavirus swept the globe, leaving millions of people unemployed. Forced retrenchments and closing companies have meant that more and more people are exploring the possibility of going solo full-time in the attempt to forge out a new, more-flexible career path. And while some will emerge victorious…

… others won’t have what it takes to slay the freelancing game.

Want to make sure that you have what it takes to go the distance? Here are five attributes of successful freelancers that you should acquire and nurture immediately.

1. They have self-discipline

No one likes having a manager breathing down their neck from nine to five making sure that they are getting their work done. But, take those watching eyes away, and many people will struggle to be productive. As a freelancer, you need to have enough self-discipline to get work done unsupervised. Struggling to focus? There are tools and apps that can help you block out distractions and maximise output.

2. They have good time management

Most people are guilty of procrastinating on occasion. But, as a freelancer, you shouldn’t be leaving work until the last minute as it could be of a lesser quality then if you had dedicated sufficient time to it. Help yourself to become better at managing your time by using calendars and to-do lists, and set daily goals or project milestones you want to achieve each day.

3. They are flexible

If you are the kind of person who needs every workday to be the same, you might want to reconsider your freelancing dream. There is seldom uniformity in the solopreneur space, with no two clients or projects being the same or having the same daily demands. Being flexible will allow you to roll with the punches and adapt your life to fit around your work commitments.

4. They are financially-driven

While most people want to be permanently employed because it comes with more security, that lifestyle can also come with less excitement and more monotony. Freelancing can be more fulfilling but you will need to be on top of your finances and have the ability to save for months when work is more scarce and bills and bond payments are looming.

5. They are professional

This one should go without saying, but one of the most important traits in the freelancing world is to be professional. This goes for all your communication with the client, collaborators or contributors as well as how you present yourself, your one-(wo)man company and your work. Everything you do or say is a direct reflection on your business and your reputation, so handle it professionally and with care.

