How to build solid and long-lasting client relationships

Helen Wallace
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2021

Freelancing wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the clients who line our pockets by using our services. This is why forging and nurturing client relationships that will go the distance is *so important* for the longevity of your solopreneur career.

Essentially, you want your clients to like you. And by ‘like you’, we don’t just mean your work and work ethic, but your personality as well. Here are four ways to build relationships that will (hopefully) have clients throwing money at you for a long time to come.

1. Hone your follow-up skills

To be honest, this should go for your communication skills in general, and not just when you are on the hunt for new gigs. But following up can mean the difference between landing a pitch and being forgotten about, so make sure that you are front of mind by checking in with clients regularly and being prompt in your responses.

2. Be genuine in your networking

Networking is about expanding your horizons, and this is something that can be useful in your professional life. Having a network of industry peers can make you feel less isolated. But make sure that your attempts to connect are genuine and that you are being authentic. This makes you more likely to leave a lasting impression.

3. Nurture existing clients

We all know that relationships take work. The same goes for the ones between you and your client base. Touching base with them regularly to see how they are doing, or even meeting them for a coffee and a catch-up can help to build trust by letting them get to know you in a more personal way.

4. Deliver top-quality work, timeously

At the end of the day, what makes a client want to do repeat business with you is your ability to create amazing work and to be at meeting deadlines and accurately interpreting briefs. At a bare minimum, make sure that you are reliable and pleasant to work with; it could go a long way in building — or reaffirming — your good reputation.

