How to practice self-care so you can live your most productive and happy life

Helen Wallace
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2021

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have, no doubt, heard of the concept of self-care. As the name implies, this is all about looking after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally so that you are happy, healthy and generally content with life.

Our careers are important, and often *super* demanding, which means that it can filter over into our personal lives as well. This goes for freelancing as well, which also has the tendency to be all-consuming, impacting other areas of your life. But, by practising self-care and prioritising down-time, you can bring about some much-needed balance. Here are fives ways to do it.

1. Factor rest into your schedule

Freelancing tends to come with flexible schedules. This is one of its perks, but it can also become a problem if you are always available. This is why setting aside time for rest in your schedule, from your daily breaks to days off, is important as it forces you to unplug, even if just for a few minutes.

2. Cultivate healthy habits

Eating a (mostly) healthy diet and getting regular exercise is good for us and can extend our lives. We know this. But it is also one of the best ways to ensure that your mind and body are healthy and, as such, more productive. And keep healthy snacks on hand to keep you going.

3. Connect with other people

Being a solopreneur can be an isolating experience. But, as social creatures, it’s crucial that we take the time to connect with other humans, on a professional and personal level, on a regular basis. This can be grabbing a coffee with a friend or sharing insights in an online freelancing community.

4. Check in with yourself

Life can become chaotic, so you need to force yourself to check in with Number One on a daily basis. One easy way to do this is to practice mindfulness or meditation. Studies have shown that just 20 minutes a day can improve your cognitive function and overall wellbeing.

5. Set — and enforce — boundaries

Boundaries are something that we all claim to have but are not all equally skilled at enforcing. Follow your intuition when it comes to setting yours: if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t for you, and saying ‘no’, while difficult, is a lot less painful than committing to a mind-numbing project or overbearing client!

